PHP code example of hollodotme / fast-cgi-client

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download hollodotme/fast-cgi-client library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


hollodotme / fast-cgi-client example snippets


namespace YourVendor\YourProject;

use hollodotme\FastCGI\SocketConnections\NetworkSocket;

$connection = new NetworkSocket(
	'',    # Hostname
	9000,           # Port
	5000,           # Connect timeout in milliseconds (default: 5000)
	5000            # Read/write timeout in milliseconds (default: 5000)


namespace YourVendor\YourProject;

use hollodotme\FastCGI\SocketConnections\UnixDomainSocket;

$connection = new UnixDomainSocket(
	'/var/run/php/php7.3-fpm.sock',     # Socket path
	5000,                               # Connect timeout in milliseconds (default: 5000)
	5000                                # Read/write timeout in milliseconds (default: 5000)


sleep((int)($_REQUEST['sleep'] ?? 0));
echo $_REQUEST['key'] ?? '';


namespace YourVendor\YourProject;

use hollodotme\FastCGI\Client;
use hollodotme\FastCGI\Requests\PostRequest;
use hollodotme\FastCGI\SocketConnections\NetworkSocket;

$client     = new Client();
$connection = new NetworkSocket('', 9000);
$content    = http_build_query(['key' => 'value']);
$request    = new PostRequest('/path/to/target/script.php', $content);

$response = $client->sendRequest($connection, $request);

echo $response->getBody();


namespace YourVendor\YourProject;

use hollodotme\FastCGI\Client;
use hollodotme\FastCGI\Requests\PostRequest;
use hollodotme\FastCGI\SocketConnections\NetworkSocket;

$client     = new Client();
$connection = new NetworkSocket('', 9000);
$content    = http_build_query(['key' => 'value']);
$request    = new PostRequest('/path/to/target/script.php', $content);

$socketId = $client->sendAsyncRequest($connection, $request);

echo "Request sent, got ID: {$socketId}";


namespace YourVendor\YourProject;

use hollodotme\FastCGI\Client;
use hollodotme\FastCGI\Requests\PostRequest;
use hollodotme\FastCGI\SocketConnections\NetworkSocket;

$client     = new Client();
$connection = new NetworkSocket('', 9000);
$content    = http_build_query(['key' => 'value']);
$request    = new PostRequest('/path/to/target/script.php', $content);

$socketId = $client->sendAsyncRequest($connection, $request);

echo "Request sent, got ID: {$socketId}";

# Do something else here in the meanwhile

# Blocking call until response is received or read timed out
$response = $client->readResponse( 
	$socketId,     # The socket ID 
	3000            # Optional timeout to wait for response,
					# defaults to read/write timeout in milliseconds set in connection

echo $response->getBody();


namespace YourVendor\YourProject;

use hollodotme\FastCGI\Client;
use hollodotme\FastCGI\Requests\PostRequest;
use hollodotme\FastCGI\Interfaces\ProvidesResponseData;
use hollodotme\FastCGI\SocketConnections\NetworkSocket;
use Throwable;

$client     = new Client();
$connection = new NetworkSocket('', 9000);
$content    = http_build_query(['key' => 'value']);
$request    = new PostRequest('/path/to/target/script.php', $content);

# Register a response callback, expects a `ProvidesResponseData` instance as the only parameter
	static function( ProvidesResponseData $response )
		echo $response->getBody();	

# Register a failure callback, expects a `\Throwable` instance as the only parameter
	static function ( Throwable $throwable )
		echo $throwable->getMessage();	

$socketId = $client->sendAsyncRequest($connection, $request);

echo "Request sent, got ID: {$socketId}";

# Do something else here in the meanwhile

# Blocking call until response is received or read timed out
# If response was received all registered response callbacks will be notified
	$socketId,     # The socket ID 
	3000            # Optional timeout to wait for response,
					# defaults to read/write timeout in milliseconds set in connection

# ... is the same as

	if ($client->hasResponse($socketId))
		$client->handleResponse($socketId, 3000);


namespace YourVendor\YourProject;

use hollodotme\FastCGI\Client;
use hollodotme\FastCGI\Requests\PostRequest;
use hollodotme\FastCGI\SocketConnections\NetworkSocket;

$client     = new Client();
$connection = new NetworkSocket('', 9000);

$request1 = new PostRequest('/path/to/target/script.php', http_build_query(['key' => '1']));
$request2 = new PostRequest('/path/to/target/script.php', http_build_query(['key' => '2']));
$request3 = new PostRequest('/path/to/target/script.php', http_build_query(['key' => '3']));

$socketIds = [];

$socketIds[] = $client->sendAsyncRequest($connection, $request1);
$socketIds[] = $client->sendAsyncRequest($connection, $request2);
$socketIds[] = $client->sendAsyncRequest($connection, $request3);

echo 'Sent requests with IDs: ' . implode( ', ', $socketIds ) . "\n";

# Do something else here in the meanwhile

# Blocking call until all responses are received or read timed out
# Responses are read in same order the requests were sent
foreach ($client->readResponses(3000, ...$socketIds) as $response)
	echo $response->getBody() . "\n";	


namespace YourVendor\YourProject;

use hollodotme\FastCGI\Client;
use hollodotme\FastCGI\Requests\PostRequest;
use hollodotme\FastCGI\SocketConnections\NetworkSocket;

$client     = new Client();
$connection = new NetworkSocket('', 9000);

$request1 = new PostRequest('/path/to/target/script.php', http_build_query(['key' => '1', 'sleep' => 3]));
$request2 = new PostRequest('/path/to/target/script.php', http_build_query(['key' => '2', 'sleep' => 2]));
$request3 = new PostRequest('/path/to/target/script.php', http_build_query(['key' => '3', 'sleep' => 1]));

$socketIds = [];

$socketIds[] = $client->sendAsyncRequest($connection, $request1);
$socketIds[] = $client->sendAsyncRequest($connection, $request2);
$socketIds[] = $client->sendAsyncRequest($connection, $request3);

echo 'Sent requests with IDs: ' . implode( ', ', $socketIds ) . "\n";

# Do something else here in the meanwhile

# Loop until all responses were received
while ( $client->hasUnhandledResponses() )
	# read all ready responses
	foreach ( $client->readReadyResponses( 3000 ) as $response )
		echo $response->getBody() . "\n";
	echo '.';

# ... is the same as

while ( $client->hasUnhandledResponses() )
	$readySocketIds = $client->getSocketIdsHavingResponse();
	# read all ready responses
	foreach ( $client->readResponses( 3000, ...$readySocketIds ) as $response )
		echo $response->getBody() . "\n";
	echo '.';

# ... is the same as

while ( $client->hasUnhandledResponses() )
	$readySocketIds = $client->getSocketIdsHavingResponse();
	# read all ready responses
	foreach ($readySocketIds as $socketId)
		$response = $client->readResponse($socketId, 3000);
		echo $response->getBody() . "\n";
	echo '.';


namespace YourVendor\YourProject;

use hollodotme\FastCGI\Client;
use hollodotme\FastCGI\Requests\PostRequest;
use hollodotme\FastCGI\Interfaces\ProvidesResponseData;
use hollodotme\FastCGI\SocketConnections\NetworkSocket;
use Throwable;

$client     = new Client();
$connection = new NetworkSocket('', 9000);

$responseCallback = static function( ProvidesResponseData $response )
	echo $response->getBody();	

$failureCallback = static function ( Throwable $throwable )
	echo $throwable->getMessage();	

$request1 = new PostRequest('/path/to/target/script.php', http_build_query(['key' => '1', 'sleep' => 3]));
$request2 = new PostRequest('/path/to/target/script.php', http_build_query(['key' => '2', 'sleep' => 2]));
$request3 = new PostRequest('/path/to/target/script.php', http_build_query(['key' => '3', 'sleep' => 1]));




$socketIds = [];

$socketIds[] = $client->sendAsyncRequest($connection, $request1);
$socketIds[] = $client->sendAsyncRequest($connection, $request2);
$socketIds[] = $client->sendAsyncRequest($connection, $request3);

echo 'Sent requests with IDs: ' . implode( ', ', $socketIds ) . "\n";

# Do something else here in the meanwhile

# Blocking call until all responses were received and all callbacks notified

# ... is the same as

while ( $client->hasUnhandledResponses() )

# ... is the same as

while ( $client->hasUnhandledResponses() )
	$readySocketIds = $client->getSocketIdsHavingResponse();
	# read all ready responses
	foreach ($readySocketIds as $socketId)
		$client->handleResponse($socketId, 3000);



function show( string $string )
	echo $string . str_repeat( "\r", 4096 - strlen( $string ) ) . "\n";
	sleep( 1 );

show( 'One' );
show( 'Two' );
show( 'Three' );

error_log("Oh oh!\n");

echo 'End';


namespace YourVendor\YourProject;

use hollodotme\FastCGI\Client;
use hollodotme\FastCGI\Requests\GetRequest;
use hollodotme\FastCGI\SocketConnections\NetworkSocket;

$client     = new Client();
$connection = new NetworkSocket('', 9000);

$passThroughCallback = static function( string $outputBuffer, string $errorBuffer )
	echo 'Output: ' . $outputBuffer;
	echo 'Error: ' . $errorBuffer;

$request = new GetRequest('/path/to/target/script.php', '');
$request->addPassThroughCallbacks( $passThroughCallback );

$client->sendAsyncRequest($connection, $request);


namespace hollodotme\FastCGI\Interfaces;

interface ProvidesRequestData
	public function getGatewayInterface() : string;

	public function getRequestMethod() : string;

	public function getScriptFilename() : string;

	public function getServerSoftware() : string;

	public function getRemoteAddress() : string;

	public function getRemotePort() : int;

	public function getServerAddress() : string;

	public function getServerPort() : int;

	public function getServerName() : string;

	public function getServerProtocol() : string;

	public function getContentType() : string;

	public function getContentLength() : int;

	public function getContent() : string;

	public function getCustomVars() : array;

	public function getParams() : array;
	public function getRequestUri() : string;

interface ComposesRequestContent
	public function getContentType() : string;

	public function getContent() : string;


use hollodotme\FastCGI\RequestContents\UrlEncodedFormData;
use hollodotme\FastCGI\SocketConnections\NetworkSocket;
use hollodotme\FastCGI\Requests\PostRequest;
use hollodotme\FastCGI\Client;

$client = new Client();
$connection = new NetworkSocket( '', 9000 );

$urlEncodedContent = new UrlEncodedFormData(
		'nested' => [
			'two'   => 'value2',
			'three' => [

$postRequest = PostRequest::newWithRequestContent( '/path/to/target/script.php', $urlEncodedContent );

$response = $client->sendRequest( $connection, $postRequest );


use hollodotme\FastCGI\RequestContents\MultipartFormData;
use hollodotme\FastCGI\SocketConnections\NetworkSocket;
use hollodotme\FastCGI\Requests\PostRequest;
use hollodotme\FastCGI\Client;

$client = new Client();
$connection = new NetworkSocket( '', 9000 );

$multipartContent = new MultipartFormData(
    # POST data
        'simple'          => 'value',
		'nested[]'        => 'one',
		'nested[two]'     => 'value2',
		'nested[three][]' => 'value3',
		'file1'        => __FILE__,
		'files[1]'     => __FILE__,
		'files[three]' => __FILE__,

$postRequest = PostRequest::newWithRequestContent( '/path/to/target/script.php', $multipartContent );

$response = $client->sendRequest( $connection, $postRequest );


use hollodotme\FastCGI\RequestContents\JsonData;
use hollodotme\FastCGI\SocketConnections\NetworkSocket;
use hollodotme\FastCGI\Requests\PostRequest;
use hollodotme\FastCGI\Client;

$client = new Client();
$connection = new NetworkSocket( '', 9000 );

$jsonContent = new JsonData(
		'nested' => [
			'two'   => 'value2',
			'three' => [

$postRequest = PostRequest::newWithRequestContent( '/path/to/target/script.php', $jsonContent );

$response = $client->sendRequest( $connection, $postRequest );


namespace hollodotme\FastCGI\Interfaces;

interface ProvidesResponseData
	public function getHeaders() : array;

	public function getHeader( string $headerKey ) : array;
	public function getHeaderLine( string $headerKey ) : string;

	public function getBody() : string;

	public function getOutput() : string;
	public function getError() : string;

	public function getDuration() : float;


echo 'Hello World';
error_log('Some error');


header('X-Custom: Header');
header('Set-Cookie: yummy_cookie=choco');
header('Set-Cookie: tasty_cookie=strawberry');

echo 'Hello World';
error_log('Some error');

# Get all values of a single response header
// ['yummy_cookie=choco', 'tasty_cookie=strawberry']

# Get all values of a single response header as comma separated string
// 'yummy_cookie=choco, tasty_cookie=strawberry'

# Get all headers as grouped array
// [
//   'X-Custom' => [
//      'Header',
//   ],
//   'Set-Cookie' => [
//      'yummy_cookie=choco',
//      'tasty_cookie=strawberry',
//   ],
//   'Content-type' => [
//      'text/html; charset=UTF-8',
//   ],
// ]

# Get the body
// 'Hello World'

# Get the raw response output from STDOUT stream
// 'X-Custom: Header
// Set-Cookie: yummy_cookie=choco
// Set-Cookie: tasty_cookie=strawberry
// Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
// Hello World'

# Get the raw response from SFTERR stream
// Some error

# Get the duration
// e.g. 0.0016319751739502

if (preg_match("#^Primary script unknown\n?$#", $response->getError()))
    throw new Exception('Could not find or resolve path to script for execution.');

# OR

if ('404 Not Found' === $response->getHeaderLine('Status'))
    throw new Exception('Could not find or resolve path to script for execution.');

# OR

if ('File not found.' === trim($response->getBody()))
    throw new Exception('Could not find or resolve path to script for execution.');