PHP code example of hocvt / rake-php-plus

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download hocvt/rake-php-plus library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


hocvt / rake-php-plus example snippets


e 'path/to/ILangParseOptions.php';
ire 'path/to/StopwordsPatternFile.php';

use DonatelloZa\RakePlus\RakePlus;

$text = "Criteria of compatibility of a system of linear Diophantine equations, " .
    "strict inequations, and nonstrict inequations are considered. Upper bounds " .
    "for components of a minimal set of solutions and algorithms of construction " .
    "of minimal generating sets of solutions for all types of systems are given.";

$phrases = RakePlus::create($text)->get();


use DonatelloZa\RakePlus\RakePlus;

$text = "Criteria of compatibility of a system of linear Diophantine equations, " .
    "strict inequations, and nonstrict inequations are considered. Upper bounds " .
    "for components of a minimal set of solutions and algorithms of construction " .
    "of minimal generating sets of solutions for all types of systems are given.";

// Note: en_US is the default language.
$rake = RakePlus::create($text, 'en_US');

// 'asc' is optional and is the default sort order
$phrases = $rake->sort('asc')->get();

// Sort in descending order
$phrases = $rake->sort('desc')->get();

// Sort the phrases by score and return the scores
$phrase_scores = $rake->sortByScore('desc')->scores();

// Extract phrases from a new string on the same RakePlus instance. Using the
// same RakePlus instance is faster than creating a new instance as the
// language files do not have to be re-loaded and parsed.

$text = "A fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm computes...";
$phrases = $rake->extract($text)->sort()->get();

use DonatelloZa\RakePlus\RakePlus;

$text = "Criteria of compatibility of a system of linear Diophantine equations, " .
    "strict inequations, and nonstrict inequations are considered. Upper bounds " .
    "for components of a minimal set of solutions and algorithms of construction " .
    "of minimal generating sets of solutions for all types of systems are given.";

$keywords = RakePlus::create($text)->keywords();

use DonatelloZa\RakePlus;

$text = "Criteria of compatibility of a system of linear Diophantine equations, " .
    "strict inequations, and nonstrict inequations are considered. Upper bounds " .
    "for components of a minimal set of solutions and algorithms of construction " .
    "of minimal generating sets of solutions for all types of systems are given.";

$rake = new RakePlus();
$phrases = $rake->extract()->get();

// Alternative method:
$phrases = (new RakePlus($text))->get();

use DonatelloZa\RakePlus\RakePlus;

// 1: The standard way (provide a language code)
//    RakePlus will first look for ./lang/en_US.pattern, if
//    not found, it will look for ./lang/en_US.php.
$rake = RakePlus::create($text, 'en_US');

// 2: Pass an array containing stopwords
$rake = RakePlus::create($text, ['a', 'able', 'about', 'above', ...]);

// 3: Pass the name of a PHP or pattern file,
//    see lang/en_US.php and lang/en_US.pattern for examples.
$rake = RakePlus::create($text, '/path/to/my/stopwords.pattern');

// 4: Create an instance of one of the stopword provider classes (or
//    create your own) and pass that to RakePlus:
$stopwords = StopwordArray::create(['a', 'able', 'about', 'above', ...]);
$rake = RakePlus::create($text, $stopwords);

use DonatelloZa\RakePlus\RakePlus;

$text = '6462 Little Crest Suite, 413 Lake Carlietown, WA 12643';

// Without a minimum
$phrases = RakePlus::create($text, 'en_US', 0)->get();

// With a minimum
$phrases = RakePlus::create($text, 'en_US', 10)->get();


use DonatelloZa\RakePlus\RakePlus;

$text = '6462 Little Crest Suite, 413 Lake Carlietown, WA 12643';

// Filter out numerics
$phrases = RakePlus::create($text, 'en_US', 0, true)->get();

// Do not filter out numerics
$phrases = RakePlus::create($text, 'en_US', 0, false)->get();


$rake = RakePlus::create($text, '/some/dir/el_GR.pattern');

$rake = RakePlus::create($text, '/some/dir/el_GR.php');

$rake = RakePlus::create($text, 'el_GR');
$ composer 
$ php ./console/extractor.php path/to/el.json --locale=el_GR --output=php > ./some/dir/el_GR.php
$ php ./console/extractor.php path/to/el.json --locale=el_GR --output=pattern > ./some/dir/el_GR.pattern
$ php ./console/extractor.php path/to/mystopwords.txt --locale=LOCAL_CODE --output=php > ./some/dir/LOCAL_CODE.php
$ php ./console/extractor.php path/to/mystopwords.txt --locale=LOCAL_CODE --output=php > ./some/dir/LOCAL_CODE.php