PHP code example of hoannc / spiderling

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download hoannc/spiderling library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


hoannc / spiderling example snippets

use Openbuildings\Spiderling\Page;

$page = new Page();


$li = $page->find('ul.nav > li.test');

echo $li->text();

  ->fill_in('Name', 'New Name')
  ->fill_in('Description', 'some description')

use Openbuildings\Spiderling\Page;

$page = new Page();


$li = $page->find('ul > li.first');

// Will output "LI"
echo $li->tag_name();

// Will output "first"
echo $li->attribute('class');

// Will output "LABEL This is the first link"
echo $li->text();

// Will output "<li class="first"><span>LABEL</span> This is the first link</li>"
echo $li->html();

use Openbuildings\Spiderling\Page;

$page = new Page();


    ->set('New Name');

    ->append(' with some additions');


// This will return the submitted action of the form, e.g.
echo $page->current_url();

use Openbuildings\Spiderling\Page;

$page = new Page();


  ->find(array('field', 'Name'))
    ->set('New Name');

  ->find(array('field', 'Description'))
    ->set('some description');

  ->find(array('button', 'Submit'))

// This will return the submitted action of the form, e.g.
echo $page->current_url();

use Openbuildings\Spiderling\Page;

$page = new Page();


// Will output "Row One"
echo $page->find('li', array('text' => 'One'))->text();

// Will output "Row Three"
echo $page->find('li', array('visible' => FALSE))->text();

// Will output "Option 2"
echo $page->find('option', array('value' => 'test 2'))->text();

use Openbuildings\Spiderling\Page;

$page = new Page();


    ->set('New Name');

    ->set('some description');


// This will return the submitted action of the form, e.g.
echo $page->current_url();

use Openbuildings\Spiderling\Page;

$page = new Page();


  ->fill_in('Name', 'New Name')
  ->fill_in('Description', 'some description')

// This will return the submited action of the form, e.g.
echo $page->current_url();

use Openbuildings\Spiderling\Page;

$page = new Page();


  ->fill_in('Name', 'New Name')
  ->uncheck('Feature One')
  ->check('Feature Two')
  ->select('Type', array('text' => 'Type Small'))
  ->fill_in('Description', 'some description')

// This will return the submited action of the form,
// e.g.
echo $page->current_url();

use Openbuildings\Spiderling\Page;

$page = new Page();


  ->fill_in('Name', 'New Name')
  ->find('.row', array('text' => 'Type'))

use Openbuildings\Spiderling\Page;

$page = new Page();


  ->fill_in('Name', 'New Name')
  ->find('.row', array('text' => 'Type'))

use Openbuildings\Spiderling\Page;

$page = new Page();


  // This will wait for the appearance of the "edit" form, loaded via AJAX
  ->find('h1', array('text' => 'Edit Form'))
    // Enter a new name inside the form
    ->fill_in('Name', 'New Name');
  // We wait a bit to make sure the form is closed,
  // also as it might take longer than normal,
  // we extend the wait time from 2 to 4 seconds.
  ->find('.notification', array('text' => 'Saved Successfully'));

use Openbuildings\Spiderling\Page;

$page = new Page(new Driver_Phantomjs);


  ->fill_in('Name', 'New Name')
  ->find('.row', array('text' => 'Type'))

use Openbuildings\Spiderling\Page;

$page = new Page();

$big_form_content = file_get_contents('big_content.html');


  ->fill_in('Name', 'New Name')
  ->find('.row', array('text' => 'Type'))

use Openbuildings\Spiderling\Page;

$page = new Page();

$page->driver()->post('', array(), array('name' => 'some post value'));

use Openbuildings\Spiderling\Page;

$page = new Page(new Driver_Kohana);

use Openbuildings\Spiderling\Page;

$page = new Page(new Driver_Phantomjs);

use Openbuildings\Spiderling\Page;

$connection = new Driver_Phantomjs_Connection;
$connection->start('pid_file', 'log_file');

$driver = new Driver_Phantomjs($connection);

$page = new Page();