PHP code example of hoa / stream

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download hoa/stream library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


hoa / stream example snippets

class BasicFile extends Hoa\Stream\Stream
    protected function &_open($streamName, Hoa\Stream\Context $context = null)
        if (null === $context) {
            $out = fopen($streamName, 'rb');
        } else {
            $out = fopen($streamName, 'rb', false, $context->getContext());

        return $out;

    protected function _close()
        return fclose($this->getStream());

$file = new BasicFile('/path/to/file');

class BasicFile extends Hoa\Stream\Stream implements Hoa\Stream\IStream\In
    // …

    public function read($length)
        return fread($this->getStream(), max(1, $length));

    // …

$chunk = $file->read(42);

$contextId = 'my_http_context';
$context   = Hoa\Stream\Context::getInstance($contextId);
    // …

$basicFile = new BasicFile('/path/to/file', $contextId);

    function (Hoa\Event\Bucket $bucket) {
        // do something!

$file = new BasicFile('/path/to/file', null, true);
// do something

$basic = new BasicFile(
    '', // stream name
    null,                       // context ID
    true                        // defere opening
    function (Hoa\Event\Bucket $bucket) {
        echo 'Connected', "\n";
    function (Hoa\Event\Bucket $bucket) {
        echo 'Redirection to ', $bucket->getData()['message'], "\n";
    function (Hoa\Event\Bucket $bucket) {
        echo 'MIME-Type is ', $bucket->getData()['message'], "\n";
    function (Hoa\Event\Bucket $bucket) {
        echo 'Size is ', $bucket->getData()['max'], "\n";
    function (Hoa\Event\Bucket $bucket) {
        echo 'Progressed, ', $bucket->getData()['transferred'], ' bytes downloaded', "\n";

// Then open.

Hoa\Stream\Wrapper\Wrapper::register('tmp', Tmp::class);

class ToUpper extends Hoa\Stream\Filter\Basic
    public function filter($in, $out, &$consumed, $closing)
        $iBucket = new Hoa\Stream\Bucket($in);
        $oBucket = new Hoa\Stream\Bucket($out);

        while (false === $iBucket->eob()) {
            $consumed += $iBucket->getLength();



        return parent::PASS_ON;

$filterName = 'toupper';
Hoa\Stream\Filter::register($filterName, ToUpper::class);

$file = new Hoa\File\Read(__FILE__);
Hoa\Stream\Filter::append($file, $filterName, Hoa\Stream\Filter::READ);
echo $file->readAll();