PHP code example of hoa-math-community / exception
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download hoa-math-community/exception library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
hoa-math-community / exception example snippets
$exception = new Hoa\Exception\Exception('Hello %s!', 0, 'world');
$previous = new Hoa\Exception\Exception('Hello previous.');
$exception = new Hoa\Exception\Exception('Hello %s!', 0, 'world', $previous);
echo $exception->raise(true);
* Will output:
* {main}: (0) Hello world!
* in … at line ….
* ⬇
* Nested exception (Hoa\Exception\Exception):
* {main}: (0) Hello previous.
* in … at line ….
// A group of exceptions.
$group = new Hoa\Exception\Group('Failed because of several reasons.');
$group['first'] = new Hoa\Exception\Exception('First reason');
$group['second'] = new Hoa\Exception\Exception('Second reason');
// Can nest another group.
$group['third'] = new Hoa\Exception\Group('Third reason');
$group['third']['fourth'] = new Hoa\Exception\Exception('Fourth reason');
echo $group->raise(true);
* Will output:
* {main}: (0) Failed because of several reasons.
* in … at line ….
* Contains the following exceptions:
* • {main}: (0) First reason
* in … at line ….
* • {main}: (0) Second reason
* in … at line ….
* • {main}: (0) Third reason
* in … at line ….
* Contains the following exceptions:
* • {main}: (0) Fourth reason
* in … at line ….
$group = new Hoa\Exception\Group('Failed because of several reasons.');
$group[] = new Hoa\Exception\Exception('Always present.');
$group[] = new Hoa\Exception\Exception('Might be present.');
if (true === $condition) {
} else {
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