PHP code example of hngx / moneywave-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download hngx/moneywave-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


hngx / moneywave-php example snippets

$mw = new \HngX\Moneywave\Moneywave($yourApiKey, $yourSecretKey);

//we want to perform a wallet to account transfer
$tran = new \HngX\Moneywave\Transactions\WalletToAccountTransaction($mw, $walletPassword);

//set details
$tran->amount = 25000;
$tran->bankcode = \HngX\Moneywave\Bank::STERLING;
$tran->accountNumber = "000056050";
$tran->senderName = "Johnson";
$tran->ref = 40;

//then make the transaction

//or you could do this in a batch
  "amount" => 25000,
  "bankcode" => \HngX\Moneywave\Bank::STERLING,
  "accountNumber" => "000056050",
  "senderName" => "Johnson",
  "ref" => 40

//we want to check our wallet balance
$bal=new \HngX\Moneywave\Resources\GetWalletBalance($mw);


  "status" => "success",
  "data" => [

$tran->getStatus(); // -> "success" or "error"

if ($tran->successful()) {
} else {

$tran = new \HngX\Moneywave\AccountToAccountTransaction($mw);
    "firstname" => "Donald",
    "lastname" => "Trump",
if ($tran->successful()){
    "transactionRef" => $tran->getResponse()["data"]["ref"],
    "authType" => "OTP",
    "authValue" => "7489",
