PHP code example of hmtvltk2 / yii2-grid
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download hmtvltk2/yii2-grid library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
hmtvltk2 / yii2-grid example snippets
use kartik\grid\GridView;
$gridColumns = [
['class' => 'kartik\grid\SerialColumn'],
'class' => 'kartik\grid\EditableColumn',
'attribute' => 'name',
'pageSummary' => 'Page Total',
'editableOptions'=>['header'=>'Name', 'size'=>'md']
'value'=>function ($model, $key, $index, $widget) {
return "<span class='badge' style='background-color: {$model->color}'> </span> <code>" .
$model->color . '</code>';
'class' => 'kartik\grid\ActionColumn',
'dropdown' => true,
'urlCreator' => function($action, $model, $key, $index) { return '#'; },
'viewOptions'=>['title'=>$viewMsg, 'data-toggle'=>'tooltip'],
'updateOptions'=>['title'=>$updateMsg, 'data-toggle'=>'tooltip'],
'deleteOptions'=>['title'=>$deleteMsg, 'data-toggle'=>'tooltip'],
['class' => 'kartik\grid\CheckboxColumn']
echo GridView::widget([
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
'filterModel' => $searchModel,
'columns' => $gridColumns,
'containerOptions' => ['style'=>'overflow: auto'], // only set when $responsive = false
['content'=>'Header Before 1', 'options'=>['colspan'=>4, 'class'=>'text-center warning']],
['content'=>'Header Before 2', 'options'=>['colspan'=>4, 'class'=>'text-center warning']],
['content'=>'Header Before 3', 'options'=>['colspan'=>3, 'class'=>'text-center warning']],
'options'=>['class'=>'skip-export'] // remove this row from export
'toolbar' => [
Html::button('<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></i>', ['type'=>'button', 'title'=>Yii::t('kvgrid', 'Add Book'), 'class'=>'btn btn-success', 'onclick'=>'alert("This will launch the book creation form.\n\nDisabled for this demo!");']) . ' '.
Html::a('<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-repeat"></i>', ['grid-demo'], ['data-pjax'=>0, 'class' => 'btn btn-default', 'title'=>Yii::t('kvgrid', 'Reset Grid')])
'pjax' => true,
'bordered' => true,
'striped' => false,
'condensed' => false,
'responsive' => true,
'hover' => true,
'floatHeader' => true,
'floatHeaderOptions' => ['top' => $scrollingTop],
'showPageSummary' => true,
'panel' => [
'type' => GridView::TYPE_PRIMARY