PHP code example of hmilyfyj / area

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download hmilyfyj/area library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


hmilyfyj / area example snippets

Route::get('test', function (\Temporaries\Area\DatabaseRepository $area) {
    $area->isProvince(110000);         //判断省
    $area->isCity(110100);             //判断市
    $area->isDistrict(110101);         //判断区

    $area->getProvinceName(350203);    //根据省,市,区获取省名 如:福建省
    $area->getCityName(350203);        //根据市,区获取市名 如:厦门市
    $area->getDistrictName(350203);    //获取区获取区名 如:思明区

    $area->getProvinces();             //获取所有省份
    $area->getCities(350000);          //根据省份获取所有城市
    $area->getDistricts(350200);       //根据城市获取所有区县

    $area->getFormat(350203);          //生成格式化字符串 如:福建省厦门市思明区

    $area->getName(110000);            //获取名称 如:北京市

    $area->getParentPostcode(350203);  //获取父编号 如:350200
    $area->getParentName(350203);      //获取父名称 如:思明区
