PHP code example of hkonnet / selling-partner-api

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download hkonnet/selling-partner-api library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


hkonnet / selling-partner-api example snippets

$config = new SellingPartnerApi\Configuration([
    "lwaClientId" => "<LWA client ID>",
    "lwaClientSecret" => "<LWA client secret>",
    "lwaRefreshToken" => "<LWA refresh token>",
    "awsAccessKeyId" => "<AWS access key ID>",
    "awsSecretAccessKey" => "<AWS secret access key>",
    // If you're not working in the North American marketplace, change
    // this to another endpoint from lib/Endpoint.php
    "endpoint" => SellingPartnerApi\Endpoint::NA,

$config = new SellingPartnerApi\Configuration([
    "lwaClientId" => "<LWA client ID>",
    "lwaClientSecret" => "<LWA client secret>",
    "lwaRefreshToken" => "<LWA refresh token>",
    "awsAccessKeyId" => "<AWS access key ID>",
    "awsSecretAccessKey" => "<AWS secret access key>",
    // If you're not working in the North American marketplace, change
    // this to another endpoint from lib/Endpoint.php
    "endpoint" => SellingPartnerApi\Endpoint::NA,
    "roleArn" => "<Role ARN>",

use SellingPartnerApi\Configuration;
use SellingPartnerApi\Endpoint;

$config = new Configuration([
    "lwaClientId" => "amzn1.application-oa2-client.....",
    "lwaClientSecret" => "abcd....",
    "lwaRefreshToken" => "Aztr|IwEBI....",
    "awsAccessKeyId" => "AKIA....",
    "awsSecretAccessKey" => "ABCD....",
    // If you're not working in the North American marketplace, change
    // this to another endpoint from lib/Endpoint.php
    "endpoint" => Endpoint::NA

$api = new Api\SellersApi($config);
try {
    $result = $api->getMarketplaceParticipations();
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling SellersApi->getMarketplaceParticipations: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

$buyer = new SellingPartnerApi\Model\Service\Buyer([
    "buyer_id" => "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU0123456",
    "name" => "Jane Doe",
    "phone" => "+12345678901",
    "is_prime_member" => true
use SellingPartnerApi\Api\FeedsApi;
use SellingPartnerApi\FeedType;
use SellingPartnerApi\Model\Feeds;

$feedsApi = new FeedsApi($config);

// Create feed document
$createFeedDocSpec = new Feeds\CreateFeedDocumentSpecification(['content_type' => $feedType['contentType']]);
$feedDocumentInfo = $feedsApi->createFeedDocument($createFeedDocSpec);
$feedDocumentId = $feedDocumentInfo->getFeedDocumentId();

// Upload feed contents to document
$feedContents = file_get_contents('<your/feed/file.xml>');
$docToUpload = new SellingPartnerApi\Document($feedDocumentInfo, $feedType);

// ... call FeedsApi::createFeed() with $feedDocumentId
$buyer = new SellingPartnerApi\Model\Service\Buyer();
$buyer->setName("Jane Doe");
$buyer->getBuyerId();        // -> "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU0123456"
$buyer->getName();           // -> "Jane Doe"
$buyer->getPhone();          // -> "+12345678901"
$buyer->getIsPrimeMember();  // -> true
$serviceJob = new SellingPartnerApi\Model\Service\Buyer([
    // ...
    "buyer" => $buyer,
    // ...

$serviceJob->getBuyer();             // -> [Buyer instance]
$serviceJob->getBuyer()->getName();  // -> "Jane Doe"