Download hizbul / laravel-sms-verification / SenderException.php - Solve class 'SenderException' not found

This file is part of the package hizbul/laravel-sms-verification. Please go to our download page to download this composer package and to solve the problem class 'SenderException' not found.
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<?php namespace Hizbul\SmsVerification\Exceptions; /** * This exception is being used for exceptions during SMS sending process. * Class SenderException * @package Hizbul\SmsVerification\Exceptions */ class SenderException extends SmsVerificationException { protected $httpResult; public function __construct($message = "", $httpResult = null, $code = 0, \Exception $previous = null) { parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous); $this->httpResult = $httpResult; } public function getHttpResult(){ return $this->httpResult; } public function getErrorCode(){ return 400 + min($this->getCode(), 99); } }