1. Go to this page and download the library: Download hisune/php-aws-ses library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
hisune / php-aws-ses example snippets
new SimpleEmailServiceMessage();
$m->addTo('[email protected]');
$m->setFrom('[email protected]');
$m->setSubject('Hello, world!');
$m->setMessageFromString('This is the message body.');
$ses = new SimpleEmailService('AccessKey', 'SecretKey');
// Successful response should print something similar to:
// [MessageId] => 0000012dc5e4b4c0-b2c566ad-dcd0-4d23-bea5-f40da774033c-000000
// [RequestId] => 4953a96e-29d4-11e0-8907-21df9ed6ffe3
// Additionally you can set the content of the email via:
// And have both Text and HTML version with:
$m->setMessageFromString($text, $html);
$m->setMessageFromFile($textfilepath, $htmlfilepath);
$m->setMessageFromURL($texturl, $htmlurl);
// Remember that setMessageFromString, setMessageFromFile, and setMessageFromURL are mutually exclusive.
// If you call more than one, then whichever call you make last will be the message used.
// You can also set the encoding of the Subject and the Message Body
$m->addAttachmentFromData('my_text_file.txt', 'Simple content', 'text/plain');
$m->addAttachmentFromFile('my_PFD_file.pdf', '/path/to/pdf/file', 'application/pdf');
// SendRawEmail is explicitly used when there are attachments:
// Sending raw email can be enforsed with:
$ses->sendEmail($m, $use_raw_request = true);
// Now you can add an inline file in the message
$m->addAttachmentFromFile('logo.png','path/to/logo.png','application/octet-stream', '<logo.png>' , 'inline');
// and use it in the html version of the e-mail: <img src='cid:logo.png' />
// Enable bulk sending mode (reuse of CURL handler)
// Send the messages
foreach($messages as $message) {
// Disable bulk sending mode
$region_endpoint = SimpleEmailService::AWS_US_EAST_1;
$ses = new SimpleEmailService('AccessKey', 'SecretKey', $region_endpoint);
// Get the addresses that have been verified in your AWS SES account
// Delete a verified address
$ses->deleteVerifiedEmailAddress('[email protected]');
// Send a confirmation email in order to verify a new email
$ses->verifyEmailAddress('[email protected]');
// Get Send Quota
// Get Send Statistics
// Set the default behaviour for handling errors
$trigger_error = true;
$ses = new SimpleEmailService('AccessKey', 'SecretKey', $region_endpoint, $trigger_error);
// Or overwrite the main setting on a single call
$use_raw_request = false;
$trigger_error = false;
$ses->sendEmail($m, $use_raw_request, $trigger_error);
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