PHP code example of himanverma / cakephp-3.x-assets-bundler

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download himanverma/cakephp-3.x-assets-bundler library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


himanverma / cakephp-3.x-assets-bundler example snippets

* Adds a css file to the file queue
* @param array/string files - string name of a file or array containing multiple string of files
* @param bool immediate - true to immediately process and print the file, false to merge with others
* @param string how - 'link' to print <link>, 'embed' to use <style>...css code...</style>
* @return string - when $immediate=true the tag will be printed, "" otherwise
public function css($files, $immediate=false, $how='link')

* Adds a js file to the file queue
* @param array/string files - string name of a file or array containing multiple string of files
* @param bool immediate - true to immediately process and print the file, false to merge with others
* @param string how - 'link' for <script src="">, 'async' for <script src="" async>, 'embed' for <script>...js code...</script>
* @return string - when $immediate=true the tag will be printed, "" otherwise
public function js($files, $immediate=false, $how='link')

* Processes/minify/combines queued files of the requested type.
* @param string type - 'js' or 'css'. This should be the end result type
* @param string how - 'link' for <script src="">, 'async' for <script src="" async>, 'embed' for <script>...js code...</script>
* @param array files - string name of a file or array containing multiple string of files
* @return string - the <script> or <link>
$this->Shrink->fetch($type, $how='link')

	// View/Users/edit.ctp

	// View/Layouts/default.ctp
	$this->Shrink->css(['bootstrap.css', 'site.less']);
	echo $this->Shrink->fetch('css');

	$this->Shrink->js(['jquery.js', '']);
	echo $this->Shrink->fetch('js');

// in your AppController.php
$helpers = array('Form','Html',

public $settings = array(
			'path'=>'js/',        // folder to find src js files
			'cachePath'=>'js/',   // folder to create cache files
			'minifier'=>'jsmin'   // minifier to minify, false to leave as is
			'path'=>'css/',       // folder to find src css files
			'cachePath'=>'css/',  // folder to create cache files
			'minifier'=>'cssmin', // minifier name to minify, false to leave as is
			'charset'=>'utf-8'    // charset to use
	'url'=>'',                     // url without ending /, incase you access from another domain
	'prefix'=>'shrink_',           // prefix the beginning of cache files
	'debugLevel'=>1                // compared against Core.debug, eq will recompile, > will not minify