PHP code example of higreen / php-api

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download higreen/php-api library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


higreen / php-api example snippets

use Higreen\Api\Weixin\Mini;

$Mini = new Mini([
    'app_id' => '小程序ID',
    'app_secret' => '小程序密钥',

    $session = $Mini->code2session($code);

    $access_token = $Mini->getAccessToken();

    $res = Mini::getWXACodeUnlimit($access_token, [
        'scene'      => '[str] [必填] [最大32个可见字符]',
        'page'       => '[str] [可选] [已经发布的小程序存在的页面]',
        'width'      => '[int] [可选] [二维码的宽度,单位 px,最小 280px,最大 1280px]',
        'auto_color' => '[bol] [可选] [自动配置线条颜色]',
        'line_color' => '[arr] [可选] [auto_color 为 false 时生效,使用 rgb 设置颜色 例如 {"r":"xxx","g":"xxx","b":"xxx"} 十进制表示]',
        'is_hyaline' => '[bol] [可选] [是否需要透明底色]',

    $res = Mini::sendUniformMessage($access_token, [
        'touser'      => '[必填] [str] [用户openid,可以是小程序的openid,也可以是mp_template_msg.appid对应的公众号的openid]',
        'appid'       => '[必填] [str] [公众号appid,要求与小程序有绑定且同主体]',
        'template_id' => '[必填] [str] [公众号模板id]',
        'url'         => '[必填] [str] [公众号模板消息所要跳转的url]',
        'data'        => '[必填] [arr] [模板内容,格式形如 { "key1": { "value": any }, "key2": { "value": any } }]',
        'pagepath'    => '[可选] [str] [点击模板卡片后的跳转页面,仅限本小程序内的页面。支持带参数,(示例index?foo=bar)。该字段不填则模板无跳转。]',

    $data = Mini::decryptData($encryptedData, $session_key, $iv);

use Higreen\Api\Weixin\MiniSecurity;

    $bool = MiniSecurity::checkImg($access_token, '图片链接');

    $bool = MiniSecurity::checkText($access_token, '文字内容');

use Higreen\Api\Weixin\MiniOcr;

    $res = MiniOcr::bankcard($access_token, '图片链接');

    $res = MiniOcr::businessLicense($access_token, '图片链接');

    $res = MiniOcr::driverLicense($access_token, '图片链接');

    $res = MiniOcr::idcard($access_token, '图片链接');

    $res = MiniOcr::printedText($access_token, '图片链接');

    $res = MiniOcr::vehicleLicense($access_token, '图片链接');

use Higreen\Api\Weixin\Offi;

$Offi = new Offi([
    'app_id' => '公众号ID',
    'app_secret' => '公众号密钥',

    $session = $Offi->code2session($code);

    $access_token = $Offi->getAccessToken();

    $userinfo = Offi::getUserinfo($access_token, 'openid');

    $ticket = Offi::getJsapiTicket($access_token);

    $config = Offi::getJsapiConfig($ticket, '网页的URL(可选)')

    $res = Offi::sendMessage($access_token, [
        'touser'      => '[str] [必填] [接收者openid]',
        'template_id' => '[str] [必填] [模板ID]',
        'data'        => '[arr] [必填] [模板数据]',

    $bool = Offi::isFollow($access_token, 'openid');

use Higreen\Api\Weixin\Pay;

$Pay = new Pay([
    'mch_id'     => '商户ID',
    'mch_key_v3' => '商户密钥V3',
    'sslcert'    => '证书路径',
    'sslkey'     => '证书密钥路径',

    $res = $Pay->order('交易类型(大小写不限):JSAPI,APP,H5,Native', [
        'appid'        => '[str] [必填] [微信生成的应用ID]',
        'description'  => '[str] [必填] [商品描述]',
        'out_trade_no' => '[str] [必填] [商户系统内部订单号,同一个商户号下唯一]',
        'total'        => '[int] [必填] [订单总金额,单位为分]',
        'notify_url'   => '[int] [必填] [直接可访问的URL,不允许携带查询串,要求必须为https]',
        'attach'       => '[str] [可选] [附加数据,在查询API和支付通知中原样返回]',
        'openid'       => '[str] [可选] [JSAPI交易类型必传,用户在商户appid下的唯一标识]',
        'type'         => '[str] [可选] [H5交易类型必传,场景类型 示例值:iOS, Android, Wap]',

    $res = $Pay->orderResult('商户系统内部订单号');

    $res = $Pay->refund([
        'out_trade_no'  => '[str] [必填] [原支付交易对应的商户订单号]',
        'out_refund_no' => '[str] [必填] [商户系统内部的退款单号,商户系统内部唯一]',
        'total'         => '[int] [必填] [原支付交易的订单总金额,币种的最小单位]',
        'refund'        => '[int] [必填] [退款金额,币种的最小单位]',
        'reason'        => '[str] [可选] [退款原因]',
        'notify_url'    => '[str] [可选] [异步接收微信支付退款结果通知的回调地址]',

    $res = Pay::decryptResource('商户号APIV3密钥', '加密报文');

use Higreen\Api\Weixin\Transfer;

$Transfer = new Transfer([
    'mch_id'     => '商户ID',
    'mch_key'    => '商户密钥',
    'sslcert'    => '证书路径',
    'sslkey'     => '证书密钥路径',

    $res = $Transfer->balance([
        'partner_trade_no' => '[str] [必填] [商户订单号]',
        'mch_appid'        => '[str] [必填] [商户账号appid]',
        'openid'           => '[str] [必填] [用户openid]',
        'amount'           => '[int] [必填] [企业付款金额,单位为分]',
        'desc'             => '[str] [必填] [企业付款备注]',
        're_user_name'     => '[str] [可选] [收款用户姓名]',

use Higreen\Api\Alipay\Mini;

$Mini = new Mini($init);

use Higreen\Api\Alipay\Pay;
$Pay = new Pay($init);

    $res = $Pay->app([
        'subject'      => '交易标题',
        'out_trade_no' => '商户订单号',
        'total_amount' => '订单总金额,单位为人民币(元)',

    $res = $Pay->mini([
        'subject'      => '交易标题',
        'out_trade_no' => '商户订单号',
        'total_amount' => '订单总金额,单位为人民币(元)',
        'buyer_id'     => '支付宝用户的唯一userId',

    $res = $Pay->qrcode([
        'subject'      => '交易标题',
        'out_trade_no' => '商户订单号',
        'total_amount' => '订单总金额,单位为人民币(元)',

use Higreen\Api\Aliyun\Sms;

$init = [
    'id' => '应用Access Key ID',
    'secret' => '应用Access Key Secret',
    'sign' => '短信签名',
$Sms = new Aliyun($init);
$res = $Sms->send($phones, $template, $params);

use Higreen\Api\Baidu\Speech;

$init = [
    'api_key'    => '[str] [必填] [应用公钥]',
    'secret_key' => '[str] [必填] [应用密钥]',
$Speech = new Speech($init);

    $access_token = $Speech->getAccessToken();

    $res = $Speech->text2audio($access_token, [
        'text' => '[str] [必填] [文字]',

use Higreen\Api\Tencent\Sms;

$init = [
    'id' => '密钥 ID',
    'key' => '密钥 KEY',
    'app_id' => '短信应用 SDKAppID',
    'sign' => '短信签名',
$Sms = new Sms($init);

# 发送单个手机号
$res = $Sms->sendSingle($template, $phone, $params);

# 发送多个手机号
$res = $Sms->sendMulti($template, $phones, $params);

use Higreen\Api\Tencent\Map;

$Map = new Map('key');

    $res = $Map->locateByAddress($address);

    $res = $Map->locateByIp($ip);

    $res = $Map->locateByCoordinate($longitude, $latitude);

    $res = $Map->getDistrict($id = 0);// 子级行政区划

use Higreen\Api\Tencent\Faceid;

$Faceid = new Faceid([
    'id'  => '密钥 ID',
    'key' => '秘钥 KEY',

    $bool = $Faceid->verifyNameNumber('姓名', '身份证号码');

use Higreen\Api\Yidong\NumIdentify;

$init = [
    'app_id' => 'APPID',
    'app_key' => 'APPKEY',
    'public_key' => '平台公钥',
    'private_key' => '应用私钥.创建应用时,请使用同一对密钥',
$NumIdentify = new NumIdentify($init);

    $bool = $NumIdentify->isDevicePhone('未实现');