PHP code example of highliuk / wp-eloquent

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download highliuk/wp-eloquent library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


highliuk / wp-eloquent example snippets


use HighLiuk\Eloquent\Model\Post;

// Get the post with ID 1
$post = Post::find(1);

// Related data available




use HighLiuk\Eloquent\Model\Comment;

// Get the comment with ID 12345
$comment = Comment::find(12345);

// Related data available

$post->terms()->where('taxonomy', 'country');

use HighLiuk\Eloquent\Model\User;

// All users
$users = User::get();

// Get the user with ID 123
$user = User::find(123);

$siteUrl = Option::get('siteurl');

Option::add('foo', 'bar'); // stored as a string
Option::add('baz', ['one' => 'two']); // the array will be serialized

$options = Option::asArray();
echo $options['siteurl'];

$options = Option::asArray(['siteurl', 'home', 'blogname']);
echo $options['home'];

$menu = Menu::slug('primary')->first();

foreach ($menu->items as $item) {
    echo $item->instance()->title; // if it's a Post
    echo $item->instance()->name; // if it's a Term
    echo $item->instance()->link_text; // if it's a Custom Link

$items = Menu::slug('foo')->first()->items;
$parent = $items->first()->parent(); // Post, Page, CustomLink or Term (category)

$post = Post::find(1);
$post->title === $post->post_title; // true

class A extends \HighLiuk\Eloquent\Model\Post
    protected static $aliases = [
        'foo' => 'post_foo',

$a = A::find(1);
echo $a->foo;
echo $a->title; // retrieved from the Post model

$newest = Post::newest()->first();
$oldest = Post::oldest()->first();

// Display posts with 5 items per page
$posts = Post::published()->paginate(5);
foreach ($posts as $post) {
    // ...

{{ $posts->links() }}

// Retrieves a meta (here 'link') from the Post model (we could have used another model like User)
$post = Post::find(31);
echo $post->meta->link; // OR
echo $post->fields->link;
echo $post->link; // OR

$post = Post::find(1);
$post->saveMeta('username', 'highliuk');

$post = Post::find(1);
    'username' => 'highliuk',
    'url' => '',

$post = Post::find(1);
$postMeta = $post->createMeta('foo', 'bar'); // instance of PostMeta class
$trueOrFalse = $post->saveMeta('foo', 'baz'); // boolean

// Retrieves the first article with the meta "featured_article"
$post = Post::published()->hasMeta('featured_article')->first();

// Retrieves the first article with the meta "username" and having the value "highliuk"
$post = Post::published()->hasMeta('username', 'highliuk')->first();

$post = Post::hasMeta(['username' => 'highliuk'])->first();
$post = Post::hasMeta(['username' => 'highliuk', 'url' => ''])->first();
// Or just by providing the meta-data keys
$post = Post::hasMeta(['username', 'url'])->first();

// Will match: 'B Gosselet', 'B BOSSELET', and 'b gosselet'.
$post = Post::published()->hasMetaLike('author', 'B GOSSELET')->first();

// Using the % operator, the following results will be returned: 'N Leroy', 'N LEROY', 'n leroy', 'Nico Leroy' etc.
$post = Post::published()->hasMetaLike('author', 'N%Leroy')->first();

$post = Post::find(1);

// Retrieves an instance of HighLiuk\Eloquent\Model\Meta\ThumbnailMeta.

// You must display the image instance to retrieve the url of the original image
echo $post->thumbnail;

if ($post->thumbnail !== null) {
     * [
     *     'file' => 'filename-300x300.jpg',
     *     'width' => 300,
     *     'height' => 300,
     *     'mime-type' => 'image/jpeg',
     *     'url' => 'http://localhost/wp-content/uploads/filename-300x300.jpg',
     * ]

    // http://localhost/wp-content/uploads/filename.jpg

$post = Post::find(1);
echo $post->acf->website_url; // returns the url provided in a field with the key website_url

// The method performing additional requests
echo $post->acf->author_username; // it's a field relative to User

// Without additional request
echo $post->acf->user('author_username');

// Other examples without requests
echo $post->acf->text('text_field_name');
echo $post->acf->boolean('boolean_field_name');

$users = Capsule::table('customers')->where('age', '>', 40)->get();

namespace App\Model;

use \HighLiuk\Eloquent\Model\User as BaseUser;

class User extends BaseUser {

    public function orders() {
        return $this->hasMany('\App\Model\User\Orders');

    public function current() {
        // fonctionnalité spécifique à l'utilisateur courant

    public function favorites() {
        return $this->hasMany('Favorites');


namespace App\Model;

user \HighLiuk\Eloquent\Model\Post as BasePost;

class Post extends BasePost {
    public function countries() {
        return $this->terms()->where('taxonomy', 'country');

Post::with(['categories', 'countries'])->find(1);

namespace App\Model;

class CustomPostType extends \HighLiuk\Eloquent\Model\Post {
    protected $post_type  = 'custom_post_type';

    public static function getBySlug(string $slug): self
        return self::where('post_name', $slug)->firstOrfail();

CustomPostType::with(['categories', 'countries'])->find(1);

// using the type() method
$videos = Post::type('video')->status('publish')->get();

// by defining its own class
class Video extends HighLiuk\Eloquent\Model\Post
    protected $postType = 'video';

$videos = Video::status('publish')->get();

// Retrieving 3 elements of a custom content type and retrieving a meta-data (address)
$stores = Post::type('store')->status('publish')->take(3)->get();
foreach ($stores as $store) {
    $storeAddress = $store->address; // option 1
    $storeAddress = $store->meta->address; // option 2
    $storeAddress = $store->fields->address; // option 3