PHP code example of hgg / pardot

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download hgg/pardot library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


hgg / pardot example snippets

use HGG\Pardot\Connector;
use HGG\Pardot\Exception\PardotException;

$connectorParameters = array(
    'email'    => 'The email address of the user account',
    'user-key' => 'The user key of the user account (in My Settings)',
    'password' => 'The account password',
    'format'   => 'json',
    'output'   => 'full'

$connector = new Connector($connectorParameters);

$response = $connector->post('prospect', 'create', array('email' => '[email protected]'));

$response = $connector->post('prospect', 'read', array('email' => '[email protected]'));

$response = $connector->post('prospect', 'read', array('id' => '12345'));

$queryParameters = array(
    'created_after' => 'yesterday',
    'limit'         => 200,
    'offset'        => 0

$response = $connector->post('prospect', 'query', $queryParameters);

// Obtain the total record count of the query from the connector
// If this is larger than the limit make requests (increasing the offset each
// time) until all records have been fetched
$count = $connector->getResultCount();

use HGG\Pardot\Exception\ExceptionInterface;

try {
    // Pardot library code
} catch (ExceptionInterface $e) {
    // Handle it here

use HGG\Pardot\Exception\RuntimeException;

try {
    $connector->post('prospect', 'update', $parameters);
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
    printf('Error Message: %s', $e->getMessage());
    printf('Error code:    %d', $e->getCode()); // Pardot Error code
    printf('url:           %s', $e->getUrl());
    printf("Parameters:\n%s", print_r($e->getParameters(), true));