PHP code example of heyday / unclecheese-dashboard
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download heyday/unclecheese-dashboard library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
heyday / unclecheese-dashboard example snippets
class DashboardRecentOrdersPanel extends DashboardPanel {
private static $db = array (
'Count' => 'Int',
'OnlyShowShipped' => 'Boolean'
private static $icon = "mysite/images/dashboard-recent-orders.png";
public function getLabel() {
return _t('Mysite.RECENTORDERS','Recent Orders');
public function getDescription() {
return _t('Mysite.RECENTORDERSDESCRIPTION','Shows recent orders for this fake website.');
public function getConfiguration() {
$fields = parent::getConfiguration();
$fields->push(TextField::create("Count", "Number of orders to show"));
$fields->push(CheckboxField::create("OnlyShowShipped","Only show shipped orders"));
return $fields;
public function Orders() {
$orders = Order::get()->sort("Created DESC")->limit($this->Count);
return $this->OnlyShowShipped ? $orders->filter(array('Shipped' => true)) : $orders;
public function PanelHolder() {
return parent::PanelHolder();
public function Chart() {
$chart = DashboardChart::create("Order history, last 30 days", "Date", "Number of orders");
$result = DB::query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS OrderCount, DATE_FORMAT(Date,'%d %b %Y') AS Date FROM \"Order\" GROUP BY Date");
if($result) {
while($row = $result->nextRecord()) {
$chart->addData($row['Date'], $row['OrderCount']);
return $chart;
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