PHP code example of hexogen / kdtree

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download hexogen/kdtree library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


hexogen / kdtree example snippets

//Creating search engine with custom algorithm (currently Nearest Search)
$searcher = new NearestSearch($tree);

//Retrieving a result ItemInterface[] array with given size (currently 2)
$result = $searcher->search(new Point([1.25, 3.5]), 2);

echo $result[0]->getId(); // 2
echo $result[0]->getNthDimension(0); // 1.3
echo $result[0]->getNthDimension(1); // 3.4

echo $result[1]->getId(); // 1
echo $result[1]->getNthDimension(0); // 1.2
echo $result[1]->getNthDimension(1); // 4.3

//ItemInterface factory
$itemFactory = new ItemFactory();

//Then init new instance of file system version of the tree
$fsTree = new FSKDTree('/path/to/dir/treeName.bin', $itemFactory);

//Now use fs kdtree to search
$fsSearcher = new NearestSearch($fsTree);

//Retrieving a result ItemInterface[] array with given size (currently 2)
$result = $fsSearcher->search(new Point([1.25, 3.5]), 2);

echo $result[0]->getId(); // 2
echo $result[1]->getId(); // 1