PHP code example of hesto / multi-auth

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download hesto/multi-auth library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


hesto / multi-auth example snippets

public function register()
	if ($this->app->environment() == 'local') {

 * Get the path that we should redirect once logged out.
 * Adaptable to user needs.
 * @return string
public function logoutToPath() {
    return '/';

    'middleware' => ['web', 'admin', 'auth:admin'], //you need to add the last middleware to array to fix it (version < v.1.0.6)
    'prefix' => 'admin',
    'as' => 'admin.',
    'namespace' => $this->namespace,
], function ($router) {

    'prefix' => 'admin', //if you have older version of package ( < v1.0.4) add this line manually,
    'as' => 'admin.', //if you have older version of package ( < v1.0.4) add this line manually (the DOT at the end is important),
    'middleware' => ['web', 'admin'],
    'namespace' => $this->namespace,
], function ($router) {

//New way
Route::get('/home', function () { // <- no {guard} prefix and it has proper name (admin.home)
})->name('home'); // http://your-project/admin/home

//Old way
Route::get('/admin/home', function () { // <- with {guard} prefix
})->name('admin.home'); // http://your-project/admin/home

php artisan migrate