PHP code example of hershel-theodore-layton / portable-hack-ast-linters

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download hershel-theodore-layton/portable-hack-ast-linters library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


hershel-theodore-layton / portable-hack-ast-linters example snippets

async function consider_the_following_code_async(): void {
  $awaitables = vec[];
  foreach ($snippets as $snippet) {
    $awaitables[] = $snippet->primeAsync($descendant_flow);

  concurrent {
    // Race them all,...
    await AwaitAllWaitHandle::fromVec($awaitables);
    await async {
      foreach ($snippets as $snippet) {
        /* HHAST_IGNORE_ERROR[DontAwaitInALoop]
         * feedBytesToConsumer operates on the awaitables from the race.
         * There are no false dependencies here.
         * We just MUST collect bytes in order. */
        await $snippet->feedBytesToConsumerAsync($consumer, $successor_flow);