PHP code example of helsingborg-stad / blade-component-library

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download helsingborg-stad/blade-component-library library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


helsingborg-stad / blade-component-library example snippets

namespace Municipio\Theme;

class RegisterUtility
    public function __construct()
            MUNICIPIO_PATH . 'views/utility',
            true //true = prepend, false = append, default = prepend

            MUNICIPIO_PATH . 'library/Controller/Utility/',
            true //true = prepend, false = append, default = prepend

                'isPrimary' => true,
                'isDisabled' => false, 
                'isOutlined' => true,

                'label' => "Button text",
                'href' => "",

                'target' => "_self"
            'button.blade.php' // You can leave this out, it will automatically be generated from slug. 

                'hasTime' => false,
                'hasDate' => true, 
                'isHumanReadable' => true

@button(['text' => "Button text", 'href' => ""]); 

    Button text



use BladeComponentLibrary/Register as Register;

//Adds a new view search path
    MUNICIPIO_PATH . 'views/utility',
    false //Prepend = true

//Adds a new controller search path
    MUNICIPIO_PATH . 'library/Controller/Utility/',
    false //Prepend = true

if($isDisabled) { 
    $this->classList[] = 'disabled'; 

<a class="{{ $class }}" target="{{ $target }}" href="{{ $href or '#' }}">{{ $slot or $text }}</a>

namespace BladeComponentLibrary\Component\Button;

class Button extends \BladeComponentLibrary\Component\BaseController 
    public function init() {
        $this->data['foo'] = "bar"; 