PHP code example of helmut / forms

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download helmut/forms library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


helmut / forms example snippets

// File: app/Forms/Form.php

namespace App\Forms;

class Form extends \Helmut\Forms\Form {


$form = new \App\Forms\Form;

// File: app/Http/routes.php

Route::any('/', function(\App\Forms\Form $form) {

	// Now you can access $form


$form->email('email')->label('Email Address')->->);
$form->button('login')->label('Sign In');

// File: app/Forms/Login.php

namespace App\Forms;

class Login extends Form {

	public function define()
		$this->email('email')->label('Email Address')->;


$form = new \App\Forms\Login;

if ($form->completed()) {

	// The form has been submitted and passed validation
echo $form->render();

// File: app/Http/Controllers/LoginController.php

class LoginController extends Controller {
    public function handleLoginForm(\App\Forms\Login $form)
    	if ($form->completed()) {

			// The form has been submitted and passed validation


        return view('login.form', compact('form'));


	// Fields

	$form->button('register')					// Create a button
	$form->text('foo')							// Create a text field
	$form->name('foo')							// Create a name field
	$form->email('foo')							// Create an email field
	$form->number('foo')						// Create a numeric field
	$form->password('foo')						// Create a password field
	$form->paragraph_text('foo')				// Create paragraph text field
	$form->checkbox('foo')						// Create a checkbox field
	$form->checkboxes('foo')					// Create checkboxes field
	$form->dropdown('foo')						// Create dropdown field
	$form->search('foo')						// Create a search box field

	// Applying Modifiers

	$form->submitted() 							// Check if the form has been submitted
	$form->submitted('register') 				// Check if submitted using a specific button
	$form->completed() 							// Check if submitted and valid

	// Retrieving Values

	$form->all() 								// Get all the values
	$form->get('foo') 							// Get the foo field values
	$form->get('foo', 'bar') 					// Get the foo[bar] field value

	// Filling Models

	$form->fill($user) 							// Fills all fields in user model
	$form->fill($user, 'name')	 				// Fills just the name fields
	$form->fill($user, ['name', 'email'])	 	// Fills just the name and email fields

$form->submitted('foo') // Returns true if form was submitted using this button
$form->completed('foo') // Returns true if form both submitted and valid


$form->name('foo')->label('Foo')->default(['first' => 'Bar', 'surname' => 'Baz'])->=> 'Bar Baz']
$form->get('foo', 'surname') // Returns 'Baz'

$form->email('foo') // Same as `text` but with email validation added.


$form->password('foo')->matches('other_hash') // Returns true/false


$form->checkbox('foo')->label('Foo')->Check the box
$form->checkbox('foo')->unchecked() // Uncheck the box
$form->get('foo') // Returns true/false

$form->checkboxes('foo')->label('Foo')->options(['bar' => 'Bar', 'baz' => 'Baz'])->)->checked(['bar']) // Check some of the boxes
$form->checkboxes('foo')->unchecked() // Uncheck all the boxes
$form->checkboxes('foo')->unchecked(['baz']) // Uncheck some of the boxes
$form->get('foo') // Returns ['foo_bar' => false, 'foo_baz' => false]

$form->dropdown('foo')->label('Foo')->options(['bar' => 'Bar', 'baz' => 'Baz'])->default('baz')->

$form->get('foo') // Returns ['foo' => 'bar', 'foo_button' => true]	

$form->setTemplate('bootstrap') 		// Default

$form->setTemplate('jeet')              // Coming soon...
$form->setTemplate('singularity')       // Coming soon...
$form->setTemplate('neat')              // Coming soon...

$form->setLanguage('en') 	// Set language to english
$form->setLanguage('es') 	// Idioma establecida en español

$form->addPlugin('feedback');   // Instant validation feedback
$form->addPlugin('memory');   // Autosave as you type