PHP code example of helgesverre / chromadb

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download helgesverre/chromadb library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


helgesverre / chromadb example snippets

return [
    'token' => env('CHROMADB_TOKEN'),
    'host' => env('CHROMADB_HOST', 'localhost'),
    'port' => env('CHROMADB_PORT', '19530'),

$chromadb = new \HelgeSverre\Chromadb\Chromadb(
    token: 'test-token-chroma-local-dev',
    host: 'http://localhost',
    port: '8000'

// Create a new collection with optional metadata
    name: 'my_collection',

// Count the number of collections

// Retrieve a specific collection by name
    collectionName: 'my_collection'

// Delete a collection by name
    collectionName: 'my_collection'

// Update a collection's name and/or metadata
    collectionId: '3ea5a914-e2ab-47cb-b285-8e585c9af4f3',
    newName: 'new_collection_name',

// Add items to a collection with optional embeddings, metadata, and documents
    collectionId: '3ea5a914-e2ab-47cb-b285-8e585c9af4f3',
    ids: ['item1', 'item2'],
    embeddings: ['embedding1', 'embedding2'],
    documents: ['doc1', 'doc2']

// Update items in a collection with new embeddings, metadata, and documents
    collectionId: '3ea5a914-e2ab-47cb-b285-8e585c9af4f3',
    ids: ['item1', 'item2'],
    embeddings: ['new_embedding1', 'new_embedding2'],
    documents: ['new_doc1', 'new_doc2']

// Upsert items in a collection (insert if not exist, update if exist)
    collectionId: '3ea5a914-e2ab-47cb-b285-8e585c9af4f3',
    ids: ['item'],
    metadatas: [['title' => 'metadata']],
    documents: ['document']

// Retrieve specific items from a collection by their IDs
    collectionId: '3ea5a914-e2ab-47cb-b285-8e585c9af4f3',
    ids: ['item1', 'item2']

// Delete specific items from a collection by their IDs
    collectionId: '3ea5a914-e2ab-47cb-b285-8e585c9af4f3',
    ids: ['item1', 'item2']

// Count the number of items in a collection
    collectionId: '3ea5a914-e2ab-47cb-b285-8e585c9af4f3'

// Query items in a collection based on embeddings, texts, and other filters
    collectionId: '3ea5a914-e2ab-47cb-b285-8e585c9af4f3',
    queryEmbeddings: [createTestVector(0.8)],

$blogPosts = [
        'title' => 'Exploring Laravel',
        'summary' => 'A deep dive into Laravel frameworks...',
        'tags' => ['PHP', 'Laravel', 'Web Development']
        'title' => 'Introduction to React',
        'summary' => 'Understanding the basics of React and how it revolutionizes frontend development.',
        'tags' => ['JavaScript', 'React', 'Frontend']

$summaries = array_column($blogPosts, 'summary');
$embeddingsResponse = OpenAI::client('sk-your-openai-api-key')
        'model' => 'text-embedding-ada-002',
        'input' => $summaries,

foreach ($embeddingsResponse->embeddings as $embedding) {
    $blogPosts[$embedding->index]['vector'] = $embedding->embedding;

$createCollectionResponse = $chromadb->collections()->create(
    name: 'blog_posts',

$collectionId = $createCollectionResponse->json('id');

foreach ($blogPosts as $post) {
        collectionId: $collectionId,
        ids: [$post['title']],
        embeddings: [$post['embedding']],
        metadatas: [$post]

$searchEmbedding = getOpenAIEmbedding('laravel framework');

$searchResponse = $chromadb->items()->query(
    collectionId: $collectionId,
    queryEmbeddings: [$searchEmbedding],
    nResults: 3,
     . "\n";
    echo "Summary: " . $result['metadatas']['summary'] . "\n";
    echo "Tags: " . implode(', ', $result['metadatas']['tags']) . "\n\n";
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="chromadb-config"