PHP code example of headzoo / core

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download headzoo/core library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


headzoo / core example snippets

echo Strings::camelCaseToUnderscore("CamelCaseString");
// Outputs: "camel_case_string"

echo Strings::camelCaseToUnderscore("MaryHadALittleLamb");
// Outputs: "mary_had_a_little_lamb"

$is = Strings::startsUpper("Welcome my son, welcome to the machine.");

// Output: bool(true);

$is = Strings::startsUpper("you've been in the pipeline, filling in time");

// Output: bool(false)

// Truncating a string at the end.
echo Strings::truncate("Mary had a little lamb, whose fleece was white as snow.", 20, Strings::TRUNC_END);

// Outputs: "Mary had a little..."

// Truncating a string at the start.
echo Strings::truncate("Mary had a little lamb, whose fleece was white as snow.", 20, Strings::TRUNC_START);

// Outputs: " white as snow."

// Truncating a string in the middle.
echo Strings::truncate("Mary had a little lamb, whose fleece was white as snow.", 20, Strings::TRUNC_MIDDLE);

// Outputs: "Mary ha...e as snow."

$array = [

echo Arrays::conjunct($array);
// Outputs: headzoo, joe, and sam

// Using a callback to quote the array values.
echo Arrays::conjunct($array, "and", 'Headzoo\Core\Strings::quote');
// Outputs: 'headzoo', 'joe', and 'sam'

$arr = [
 0 => [
     "username" => "headzoo",
     "email" => "[email protected]"
 1 => [
     "username" => "joe",
     "email" => "[email protected]"

$ret = Arrays::column($arr, "username");

// Outputs: ["headzoo", "joe"]

// Testing whether an object is an instance of another.
$is = Objects::isInstance(new stdClass(), stdClass);
// Outputs: bool(true)

// Unlike the instanceof operator, the second argument can be a string.
$is = Objects::isInstance(new stdClass(), 'stdClass');
// Outputs: bool(true);

// You can even test an array of objects.
$objects = [
    new stdClass(),
    new stdClass()
$is = Objects::isInstance($objects, stdClass);
// Outputs: bool(true)

// Capture all errors, and display an error page instead of the usual php
// error message.
$handler = new ErrorHandler();

// Setup your own way of handing errors.
$handler = new ErrorHandler();
$handler->setCallback(function($handler) {

// The most basic profiling.
$profiler = new Profiler();
... do something here ...
$micro = $profiler->stop();

// Outputs:
// "Profile time for 'default': 0.00030207633972168"
// double(0.00030207633972168)

// This example runs the closure 100 times, and displays the profile results.
Profiler::run(100, true, function() {
  ... do something here ...

// Output:
// Total Runs:                 100
// Total Time:      0.099596977234
// Average Time:    0.000981624126
// -------------------------------
// Run #1           0.000479936599
// Run #2           0.000968933105
// Run #3           0.000982999801
// Run #4           0.000988006591
// ......
// Run #97          0.000985145568
// Run #98          0.000983953476
// Run #99          0.000997066497
// Run #100         0.000993013382

class DaysEnum
   extends AbstractEnum
   const SUNDAY    = "SUNDAY";
   const MONDAY    = "MONDAY";
   const TUESDAY   = "TUESDAY";
   const THURSDAY  = "THURSDAY";
   const FRIDAY    = "FRIDAY";
   const SATURDAY  = "SATURDAY";
   const __DEFAULT = self::SUNDAY;

$day = new DaysEnum("SUNDAY");
echo $day;
echo $day->value();

// Outputs:

// The default value is used when not specified.
$day = new DaysEnum();
echo $day;

// Outputs: "SUNDAY"

// The constructor value is not case-sensitive.
$day = new DaysEnum("sUndAy");
echo $day;

// Outputs: "SUNDAY"

// Enum values are easy to compare.
$day_tue1 = new DaysEnum(DaysEnum::TUESDAY);
$day_fri1 = new DaysEnum(DaysEnum::FRIDAY);
$day_tue2 = new DaysEnum(DaysEnum::TUESDAY);
$day_fri2 = new DaysEnum($day_fri1);

var_dump($day_tue1 == DaysEnum::TUESDAY);
var_dump($day_tue1 == $day_tue2);
var_dump($day_fri1 == $day_fri2);
var_dump($day_tue1 == DaysEnum::FRIDAY);
var_dump($day_tue1 == $day_fri1);

// Outputs:
// bool(true)
// bool(true)
// bool(true)
// bool(false)
// bool(false)

// In this example we create a method which requests a web resource using curl.
// We use a SmartCallable instance to ensure the curl resource is closed when
// the method returns, or an exception is thrown.

public function fetch()
  $curl = curl_init("");
  $sc = SmartCallable::factory(function() use($curl) {

  $response = curl_exec($curl);
  if ($e = curl_error()) {
      throw new Exception($e);

  return $response;

// The method could also be written this way.
public function fetch()
  $curl = curl_init("");
  $sc = SmartCallable::factory("curl_close", $curl);

  $response = curl_exec($curl);
  if ($e = curl_error()) {
      throw new Exception($e);

  return $response;

// In this example you want to insert a row into the database, which may lead to
// a DeadLockException being thrown. The recommended action for dead locks is retrying
// the query. We use a ConfigurableCallable instance to keep trying the query until
// it succeeds.
$link  = mysqli_connect("localhost", "my_user", "my_password", "my_db");
$query = new ConfigurableCallable("mysqli_query");
$result = $query($link, "INSERT INTO `members` ('headzoo')");

// In this example we will call a remote web API, which sometimes takes a few tries
// depending on how busy the remote server is at the any given moment. The remote
// server may return an empty value (null), the API library may thrown an exception,
// or PHP may trigger an error.
$api     = new RemoteApi();
$members = new ConfigurableCallable([$api, "getMembers"]);
$rows = $members(0, 10);

echo Conversions::bytesToHuman(100);
// Outputs: "100B"

echo Conversions::bytesToHuman(1024);
// Outputs: "1KB"

echo Conversions::bytesToHuman(1050);
// Outputs: "1.02KB"