PHP code example of hds-solutions / parallel-sdk

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download hds-solutions/parallel-sdk library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


hds-solutions / parallel-sdk example snippets

// check if extension is loaded to allow deploying even in environments where parallel isn't installed
if (extension_loaded('parallel')) {
    // set the path to composer's autoloader

otstrap the Console Kernel

use HDSSolutions\Console\Parallel\Scheduler;

Scheduler::using(static function(int $number): int {
    // here you do some work with the received data
    // this portion of code will run on a separated thread
    // example process
    $microseconds = random_int(100, 500);
    echo sprintf("AnonymousWorker >> Hello from task #%u, I'll wait %sms\n", $number, $microseconds);
    usleep($microseconds * 1000);
    // end example process
    // the data returned will be available later
    return $number;

use HDSSolutions\Console\Parallel\ParallelWorker;

final class ExampleWorker extends ParallelWorker {

    protected function process(int $number = 0): int {
        // example process
        $microseconds = random_int(100, 500);
        echo sprintf("ExampleWorker >> Hello from task #%u, I'll wait %sms\n", $number, $microseconds);
        usleep($microseconds * 1000);
        // end example process

        return $number;


use HDSSolutions\Console\Parallel\Scheduler;


use HDSSolutions\Console\Parallel\ParallelWorker;

final class ExampleWorker extends ParallelWorker {

    public function __construct(
        private array $multipliers,
    ) {}


use HDSSolutions\Console\Parallel\Scheduler;

Scheduler::using(ExampleWorker::class, [ 2, 4, 8 ]);

use HDSSolutions\Console\Parallel\Scheduler;

foreach (range(1, 100) as $task_data) {
    try {
        // tasks will start as soon as a thread is available

    } catch (Throwable) {
        // if no Worker was defined, a RuntimeException will be thrown
        // also, Workers have some limitations, see Reference #3 for more info

use HDSSolutions\Console\Parallel\Scheduler;
use HDSSolutions\Console\Parallel\Task;

do {
    $all_processed = true;
    foreach (Scheduler::getTasks() as $task) {
        switch (true) {
            case $task->isPending():
                $all_processed = false;
            case $task->isBeingProcessed():
                $all_processed = false;
            case $task->wasProcessed():
                $result = $task->getOutput();
} while ($all_processed == false);

use HDSSolutions\Console\Parallel\Scheduler;

// This will pause execution until all tasks are processed

use HDSSolutions\Console\Parallel\Scheduler;

// Pause until all tasks are processed or until 15 minutes pass
Scheduler::awaitTasksCompletion(wait_until: new DateInterval('PT15M'));

use HDSSolutions\Console\Parallel\Scheduler;
use HDSSolutions\Console\Parallel\Task;

foreach (Scheduler::getTasks() as $task) {
    // you have access to the Worker class that was used to process the task
    $worker = $task->getWorkerClass();
    // and the result of the task processed
    $result = $task->getOutput();

use HDSSolutions\Console\Parallel\Scheduler;
use HDSSolutions\Console\Parallel\Task;

// this will remove tasks from the pending queue

// after cleaning the queue, you should wait for tasks that are currently being processed to finish

$results = [];
$unprocessed_tasks = [];
foreach (Scheduler::getTasks() as $task) {
    if ($task->wasProcessed()) {
        $results[] = $task->getOutput();
    } else {
        // tasks that were not processed, will remain in the Pending state
        $unprocessed_tasks[] = $task;

use HDSSolutions\Console\Parallel\Scheduler;
use HDSSolutions\Console\Parallel\Task;

foreach (Scheduler::getTasks() as $task) {
    // if for some reason you want to remove a task, or just want to free memory when a task finishes
    if (someValidation($task) || $task->wasProcessed()) {
        // this will remove the task from the processing queue
        // IMPORTANT: if the task is already running, it will be stopped

use HDSSolutions\Console\Parallel\Scheduler;
use HDSSolutions\Console\Parallel\Task;

// this will stop processing tasks immediately

// in this state, Tasks should have 3 of the following states
foreach (Scheduler::getTasks() as $task) {
    switch (true) {
        case $task->isPending():
            // Task was never processed

        case $task->wasProcessed():
            // Task was processed by the Worker

        case $task->wasCancelled():
            // Task was cancelled while was being processed

use HDSSolutions\Console\Parallel\Scheduler;

Scheduler::setMaxCpuCountUsage(2);        // Use at max two CPU cores
Scheduler::setMaxCpuPercentageUsage(0.5); // Use at max 50% of the total of CPU cores

use HDSSolutions\Console\Parallel\Scheduler;

$tasks = range(1, 10);

    ->withProgress(steps: count($tasks));

use HDSSolutions\Console\Parallel\ParallelWorker;

final class ExampleWorker extends ParallelWorker {

    protected function process(int $number = 0): int {
        // example process
        $microseconds = random_int(100, 500);
        $this->setMessage(sprintf("ExampleWorker >> Hello from task #%u, I'll wait %sms", $number, $microseconds));
        usleep($microseconds * 1000);
        // end example process

        return $number;

#!/usr/bin/env php

+ // check if parallel extension is loaded
+ if (extension_loaded('parallel')) {
+     // and register the bootstrap file for the threads
+     parallel\bootstrap(__DIR__.'/bootstrap/parallel.php');
+ }

define('LARAVEL_START', microtime(true));