1. Go to this page and download the library: Download hardcastle/xrpl_php library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
hardcastle / xrpl_php example snippets
use Hardcastle\XRPL_PHP\Client\JsonRpcClient;
use Hardcastle\XRPL_PHP\Models\Account\AccountObjectsRequest;
// Those will be purged from the Testnet in regular intervals, you can use fundWallet()
// to generate prefunded Wallets on the Testnet
$testnetAccountAddress = 'raKXrkYfbh4Uzqc481jTXbaKsWnW5XRMjp';
$client = new JsonRpcClient("https://s.altnet.rippletest.net:51234");
$request = new AccountObjectsRequest(
account: $testnetAccountAddress,
ledgerIndex: 'validated',
deletionBlockersOnly: true
// Using synchronous request
$response = $client->syncRequest($request);
$json = json_decode($response->getBody());
// Using asynchronous request
// $response = $client->request($request)->wait();
// $json = json_decode($response->getBody());
// print_r($json);
// Use your own credentials here:
$testnetStandbyAccountSeed = 'sEdTcvQ9k4UUEHD9y947QiXEs93Fp2k';
$testnetStandbyAccountAddress = 'raJNboPDvjLrYZropPFrxvz2Qm7A9guEVd';
$standbyWallet = Wallet::fromSeed($testnetStandbyAccountSeed);
// Use your own credentials here:
$testnetOperationalAccountSeed = 'sEdVHf8rNEaRveJw4NdVKxm3iYWFuRb';
$testnetOperationalAccountAddress = 'rEQ3ik2kmAvajqpFweKgDghJFZQGpXxuRN';
$operationalWallet = Wallet::fromSeed($testnetStandbyAccountSeed);
$client = new JsonRpcClient("https://s.altnet.rippletest.net:51234");
$tx = [
"TransactionType" => "Payment",
"Account" => $testnetStandbyAccountAddress,
"Amount" => xrpToDrops("100"),
"Destination" => $testnetOperationalAccountAddress
$autofilledTx = $client->autofill($tx);
$signedTx = $standbyWallet->sign($autofilledTx);
$txResponse = $client->submitAndWait($signedTx['tx_blob']);
$result = $txResponse->getResult();
if ($result['meta']['TransactionResult'] === 'tecUNFUNDED_PAYMENT') {
print_r("Error: The sending account is unfunded! TxHash: {$result['hash']}" . PHP_EOL);
} else {
print_r("Token payment done! TxHash: {$result['hash']}" . PHP_EOL);