PHP code example of happyr / doctrine-specification

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download happyr/doctrine-specification library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


happyr / doctrine-specification example snippets

// Not using the lib
$qb = $this->em->getRepository('HappyrRecruitmentBundle:Advert')

return $qb->where('r.ended = 0')
            'r.endDate < :now',
                'r.endDate IS NULL',
                'r.startDate < :timeLimit'
    ->setParameter('now', new \DateTime())
    ->setParameter('timeLimit', new \DateTime('-4weeks'))

// Using the lib
$spec = Spec::andX(
    Spec::eq('ended', 0),
        Spec::lt('endDate', new \DateTime()),
            Spec::lt('startDate', new \DateTime('-4weeks'))

return $this->em->getRepository('HappyrRecruitmentBundle:Advert')->match($spec);

class AdvertsWeShouldClose extends BaseSpecification
    public function getSpec()
        return Spec::andX(
            Spec::eq('ended', 0),
                Spec::lt('endDate', new \DateTime()),
                    Spec::lt('startDate', new \DateTime('-4weeks'))

class OwnedByCompany extends BaseSpecification
    private $companyId;

    public function __construct(Company $company, ?string $context = null)
        $this->companyId = $company->getId();

    public function getSpec()
        return Spec::andX(
            Spec::join('company', 'c'),
            Spec::eq('id', $this->companyId, 'c')

class SomeService
     * Fetch Adverts that we should close but only for a specific company
    public function myQuery(Company $company)
        $spec = Spec::andX(
            new AdvertsWeShouldClose(),
            new OwnedByCompany($company)

        return $this->em->getRepository('HappyrRecruitmentBundle:Advert')->match($spec);

class AdvertRepository extends EntityRepository
    protected function filterAdvertsWeShouldClose(QueryBuilder $qb)
            ->andWhere('r.ended = 0')
                    'r.endDate < :now',
                    $qb->expr()->andX('r.endDate IS NULL', 'r.startDate < :timeLimit')
            ->setParameter('now', new \DateTime())
            ->setParameter('timeLimit', new \DateTime('-4weeks'))

    protected function filterOwnedByCompany(QueryBuilder $qb, Company $company)
            ->join('company', 'c')
            ->andWhere(' = :company_id')
            ->setParameter('company_id', $company->getId())

    public function myQuery(Company $company)
        $qb = $this->em->getRepository('HappyrRecruitmentBundle:Advert')->createQueryBuilder('r');
        $this->filterOwnedByCompany($qb, $company);

        return $qb->getQuery()->getResult();

$highRankFemalesSpec = Spec::andX(
    Spec::eq('gender', 'F'),
    Spec::gt('points', 9000)

// an array of arrays
$playersArr = [
    ['pseudo' => 'Joe',   'gender' => 'M', 'points' => 2500],
    ['pseudo' => 'Moe',   'gender' => 'M', 'points' => 1230],
    ['pseudo' => 'Alice', 'gender' => 'F', 'points' => 9001],

// or an array of objects
$playersObj = [
    new Player('Joe',   'M', 40, 2500),
    new Player('Moe',   'M', 55, 1230),
    new Player('Alice', 'F', 27, 9001),

foreach ($playersArr as $playerArr) {
    if ($highRankFemalesSpec->isSatisfiedBy($playerArr)) {
        // do something

foreach ($playersObj as $playerObj) {
    if ($highRankFemalesSpec->isSatisfiedBy($playerObj)) {
        // do something

$highRankFemalesSpec = Spec::andX(
    Spec::eq('gender', 'F'),
    Spec::gt('points', 9000)

// an array of arrays
$playersArr = [
    ['pseudo' => 'Joe',   'gender' => 'M', 'points' => 2500],
    ['pseudo' => 'Moe',   'gender' => 'M', 'points' => 1230],
    ['pseudo' => 'Alice', 'gender' => 'F', 'points' => 9001],

// or an array of objects
$playersObj = [
    new Player('Joe',   'M', 40, 2500),
    new Player('Moe',   'M', 55, 1230),
    new Player('Alice', 'F', 27, 9001),

$highRankFemales = $highRankFemalesSpec->filterCollection($playersArr);
$highRankFemales = $highRankFemalesSpec->filterCollection($playersObj);
$highRankFemales = $this->em->getRepository(Player::class)->match($highRankFemalesSpec);