PHP code example of halilcosdu / laravel-signalwire

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download halilcosdu/laravel-signalwire library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


halilcosdu / laravel-signalwire example snippets

return [
    'project_id' => env('SIGNALWIRE_PROJECT_ID'),
    'token' => env('SIGNALWIRE_TOKEN'),
    'space_url' => env('SIGNALWIRE_SPACE_URL'),
    'incoming_phone_number_status_callback_url' => env('SIGNALWIRE_INCOMING_PHONE_NUMBER_STATUS_CALLBACK_URL'), //create or update IncomingPhoneNumbers
    'incoming_phone_number_voice_url' => env('SIGNALWIRE_INCOMING_PHONE_NUMBER_VOICE_URL'),// create or update IncomingPhoneNumbers

use HalilCosdu\SignalWire\Facades\SignalWire;

// Fax Operations
SignalWire::faxes(?string $dateCreateAfter = null, ?string $dateCreatedOnOrBefore = null, ?string $from = null, ?string $to = null)

SignalWire::sendFax(string $mediaUrl, string $to, string $from, ?string $statusCallback = null, string $quality = 'standard')

SignalWire::getFax(string $sid)

SignalWire::updateFax(string $sid, string $status)

SignalWire::deleteFax(string $sid)

// Phone Number Operations
SignalWire::listIncomingPhoneNumbers(?string $beta = null, ?string $friendlyName = null, ?string $origin = null, ?string $phoneNumber = null)

SignalWire::createIncomingPhoneNumber(string $areaCode, string $phoneNumber, ?string $addressSid = null, ?string $friendlyName = null, ?string $identitySid = null, ?string $smsApplicationSid = null, ?string $smsFallbackMethod = null, ?string $smsFallbackUrl = null, ?string $smsMethod = null, ?string $smsUrl = null, ?string $statusCallback = null, ?string $statusCallbackMethod = null, ?string $trunkSid = null, ?string $voiceApplicationSid = null, bool $voiceCallerIdLookup = false, ?string $voiceFallbackMethod = null, ?string $voiceFallbackUrl = null, ?string $voiceMethod = null, string $voiceReceiveMode = 'fax', ?string $voiceUrl = null)

SignalWire::getIncomingPhoneNumber(string $phoneNumberSid)

SignalWire::updateIncomingPhoneNumber(string $phoneNumberSid, string $friendlyName, string $smsUrl, string $smsMethod, string $voiceUrl, string $voiceMethod)

SignalWire::deleteIncomingPhoneNumber(string $phoneNumberSid)

// Available Numbers to Buy
SignalWire::getAvailablePhoneNumbers(string $isoCountry, ?string $areaCode, bool $beta = false, ?string $contains = null, bool $excludeAllAddressRequired = false, bool $excludeLocalAddressRequired = false, bool $faxEnabled = false, string $inRegion = null, bool $mmsEnabled = false, bool $voiceEnabled = false)

// Fax Media
SignalWire::faxMedias(string $faxSid)

SignalWire::getFaxMedia(string $faxSid, string $mediaSid)

SignalWire::deleteFaxMedia(string $faxSid, string $mediaSid)

use HalilCosdu\SignalWire\Facades\SignalWire;

// Send Fax
SignalWire::sendFax('', '+1234567890', '+0987654321', '', 'standard');
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="signalwire-config"