PHP code example of halaxa / json-machine

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download halaxa/json-machine library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


halaxa / json-machine example snippets

use \JsonMachine\Items;

$fruits = Items::fromFile('fruits.json');

foreach ($fruits as $name => $data) {
    // 1st iteration: $name === "apple" and $data->color === "red"
    // 2nd iteration: $name === "pear" and $data->color === "yellow"

use JsonMachine\JsonDecoder\ExtJsonDecoder;
use JsonMachine\Items;

$objects = Items::fromFile('path/to.json', ['decoder' => new ExtJsonDecoder(true)]);

use \JsonMachine\Items;

$fruits = Items::fromFile('fruits.json', ['pointer' => '/results']);
foreach ($fruits as $name => $data) {
    // The same as above, which means:
    // 1st iteration: $name === "apple" and $data->color === "red"
    // 2nd iteration: $name === "pear" and $data->color === "yellow"

use \JsonMachine\Items;

$fruits = Items::fromFile('fruitsArray.json', ['pointer' => '/results/-/color']);

foreach ($fruits as $key => $value) {
    // 1st iteration:
    $key == 'color';
    $value == 'red';
    $fruits->getMatchedJsonPointer() == '/results/-/color';
    $fruits->getCurrentJsonPointer() == '/results/0/color';

    // 2nd iteration:
    $key == 'color';
    $value == 'yellow';
    $fruits->getMatchedJsonPointer() == '/results/-/color';
    $fruits->getCurrentJsonPointer() == '/results/1/color';

use \JsonMachine\Items;

$fruits = Items::fromFile('fruits.json', ['pointer' => '/lastModified']);
foreach ($fruits as $key => $value) {
    // 1st and final iteration:
    // $key === 'lastModified'
    // $value === '2012-12-12'

use \JsonMachine\Items;

$fruits = Items::fromFile('fruits.json', ['pointer' => '/lastModified']);
$lastModified = iterator_to_array($fruits)['lastModified'];

use \JsonMachine\Items;

$fruits = Items::fromFile('fruits.json', [
    'pointer' => ['/berries', '/citruses']

foreach ($fruits as $key => $value) {
    // 1st iteration:
    $value == ["name" => "strawberry", "color" => "red"];
    $fruits->getCurrentJsonPointer() == '/berries';

    // 2nd iteration:
    $value == ["name" => "raspberry", "color" => "red"];
    $fruits->getCurrentJsonPointer() == '/berries';

    // 3rd iteration:
    $value == ["name" => "orange", "color" => "orange"];
    $fruits->getCurrentJsonPointer() == '/citruses';

    // 4th iteration:
    $value == ["name" => "lime", "color" => "green"];
    $fruits->getCurrentJsonPointer() == '/citruses';

use JsonMachine\RecursiveItems

$users = RecursiveItems::fromFile('users.json');
foreach ($users as $user) {
    /** @var $user RecursiveItems */
    foreach ($user as $field => $value) {
        if ($field === 'friends') {
            /** @var $value RecursiveItems */
            foreach ($value as $friend) {
                /** @var $friend RecursiveItems */
                foreach ($friend as $friendField => $friendValue) {
                    $friendField == 'username';
                    $friendValue == 'friend1';

use JsonMachine\RecursiveItems

$users = RecursiveItems::fromFile('users.json');
foreach ($users as $user) {
    /** @var $user RecursiveItems */
    foreach ($user['friends'] as $friend) { // or $user->advanceToKey('friends')
        /** @var $friend RecursiveItems */
        $friendArray = $friend->toArray();
        $friendArray['username'] === 'friend1';

use JsonMachine\RecursiveItems

$users = RecursiveItems::fromFile('users.json');
$users[0]['friends'][1]['username'] === 'friend2';

use JsonMachine\Items;

$fileSize = filesize('fruits.json');
$fruits = Items::fromFile('fruits.json', ['debug' => true]);
foreach ($fruits as $name => $data) {
    echo 'Progress: ' . intval($fruits->getPosition() / $fileSize * 100) . ' %'; 

use JsonMachine\JsonDecoder\PassThruDecoder;
use JsonMachine\Items;

$items = Items::fromFile('path/to.json', ['decoder' => new PassThruDecoder]);

use JsonMachine\Items;
use JsonMachine\JsonDecoder\DecodingError;
use JsonMachine\JsonDecoder\ErrorWrappingDecoder;
use JsonMachine\JsonDecoder\ExtJsonDecoder;

$items = Items::fromFile('path/to.json', ['decoder' => new ErrorWrappingDecoder(new ExtJsonDecoder())]);
foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
    if ($key instanceof DecodingError || $item instanceof DecodingError) {
        // handle error of this malformed json item
    var_dump($key, $item);


use \JsonMachine\Items;

// this often causes Allowed Memory Size Exhausted,
// because it loads all the items in the JSON into memory
- $users = json_decode(file_get_contents('500MB-users.json'));

// this has very small memory footprint no matter the file size
// because it loads items into memory one by one
+ $users = Items::fromFile('500MB-users.json');

foreach ($users as $id => $user) {
    // just process $user as usual