PHP code example of gyoung / eureka-sidecar

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download gyoung/eureka-sidecar library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


gyoung / eureka-sidecar example snippets

  return [
      'enable' => true,         //是否启用
      'isProxy' => false,       //是否代理的非swoft框架服务,使用swoft框架时已实现healthUri,无需关心,默认false使用swoft
      'eurekaUrls' => '',    //eureka注册地址,多个由逗号隔开,如果地址没有端口会自动添加默认端口8761
      'serverPort' => 8089,       //sidecar端口
      'port' => 8089,             //代理服务端口
      'ipAddress' => '',        //代理服务ip,为空则通过swoole_get_local_ip()获取本机eth0的ip
      'healthUri' => '/health',    //被代理服务需提供的心跳uri,返回格式必须为: ['status' => 'UP'], json后返回,默认:/health,使用swoft框架不用填写
      'applicationName' => 'sidecar-test',  //应用名称
      'sidecarTableMaxLength' => 4096,  //swoole table单个key最大储存长度
      'pullAppTime' => 20000,  //定时拉取实例/ms,默认20000ms
      'healthTime' => 5000,   //定时健康检查/ms,默认5000ms

 * @return \Swoft\Http\Message\Response|\Swoft\WebSocket\Server\Message\Response
 * @throws \Swoft\Exception\SwoftException
 * @RequestMapping("/health")
public function health()
    return $this->json(['status' => 'UP']);

 * @Inject()
 * @var Agent
private $agent;

 * @return array|mixed
 * @throws \ReflectionException
 * @throws \Sidecar\Exception\SidecarException
 * @throws \Swoft\Bean\Exception\ContainerException
public function sidecar()
    $result = $this->agent->proxy('SERVICE-CLIENT', '/user', 'GET', ['id' => 1]);