PHP code example of gwin / phporient

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download gwin/phporient library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


gwin / phporient example snippets

use PhpOrient\PhpOrient;

$client = new PhpOrient( 'localhost', 2424 );
$client->username = 'root';
$client->password = 'root_pass';

$client = new PhpOrient();
$client->hostname = 'localhost';
$client->port     = 2424;
$client->username = 'root';
$client->password = 'root_pass';

$client = new PhpOrient();
$client->configure( array(
    'username' => 'root',
    'password' => 'root_pass',
    'hostname' => 'localhost',
    'port'     => 2424,
) );

$client = new PhpOrient( 'localhost', 2424 );
$client->username = 'root';
$client->password = 'root_pass';

$client = new PhpOrient( 'localhost', 2424 );
$client->connect( 'root', 'root_pass' );

$new_cluster_id = $client->dbCreate( 'my_new_database',
    PhpOrient::STORAGE_TYPE_MEMORY,   # optional, default: STORAGE_TYPE_PLOCAL
    PhpOrient::DATABASE_TYPE_GRAPH    # optional, default: DATABASE_TYPE_GRAPH

$client->dbDrop( $this->db_name, 
    PhpOrient::STORAGE_TYPE_MEMORY  # optional, default: STORAGE_TYPE_PLOCAL

$client->dbExists( 'my_database', 
    PhpOrient::DATABASE_TYPE_GRAPH   # optional, default: DATABASE_TYPE_GRAPH


$ClusterMap = $client->dbOpen( 'GratefulDeadConcerts', 'admin', 'admin' );

$client->command( 'create class Animal extends V' );
$client->command( "insert into Animal set name = 'rat', specie = 'rodent'" );

$client->query( 'select from followed_by limit 10' );

$myFunction = function( Record $record) { var_dump( $record ); };
$client->queryAsync( 'select from followed_by', [ 'fetch_plan' => '*:1', '_callback' => $myFunction ] );

$record = $client->recordLoad( new ID( '#3:0' ) )[0];
$record = $client->recordLoad( new ID( 3, 0 ) )[0];
$record = $client->recordLoad( new ID( [ 'cluster' => 3, 'position' => 0 ] ) )[0];

$recordContent = [ 'accommodation' => 'houses', 'work' => 'bazar', 'holiday' => 'sea' ];
$rec = ( new Record() )->setOData( $recordContent )->setRid( new ID( 9 /* set only the cluster ID */ ) ); 
$record = $this->client->recordCreate( $rec );

$_recUp = [ 'accommodation' => 'hotel', 'work' => 'office', 'holiday' => 'mountain' ];
$recUp = ( new Record() )->setOData( $_recUp )->setOClass( 'V' )->setRid( new ID( 9, 0 ) );
$updated = $client->recordUpdate( $recUp );

 Create/Load or Query for a Record
$recordContent = [ 'accommodation' => 'houses', 'work' => 'bazar', 'holiday' => 'sea' ];
$rec = ( new Record() )->setOData( $recordContent )->setRid( new ID( 9 ) );
$record = $client->recordCreate( $rec );

or Query for an existent one
$record = $client->query( "select from V where @rid = '#9:0'" )[0];

$_recUp = [ 'accommodation' => 'bridge', 'work' => 'none', 'holiday' => 'what??' ];
$recUp = $record->setOData( $_recUp );
$updated = $client->recordUpdate( $recUp );

$myFunction = function( Record $record) { var_dump( $record ); };
$client->recordLoad( new ID( "9", "1" ), [ 'fetch_plan' => '*:2', '_callback' => $myFunction ] );

$delete = $client->recordDelete( new ID( 11, 1 ) );

$cmd = 'begin;' .
       'let a = create vertex set script = true;' .
       'let b = select from v limit 1;' .
       'let e = create edge from $a to $b;' .
       'commit retry 100;';

$lastRecord = $client->sqlBatch( $cmd );

// create some record stuffs
$rec2Create = [ 'oClass' => 'V', 'oData' => [ 'alloggio' => 'albergo' ] ];
$rec        = Record::fromConfig( $rec2Create );
$first_rec  = $client->recordCreate( $rec );

$rec3Create = [ 'oClass' => 'V', 'oData' => [ 'alloggio' => 'house' ] ];
$rec        = Record::fromConfig( $rec3Create );
$sec_rec    = $client->recordCreate();

//get the transaction and start it
$tx = $client->getTransactionStatement();

$tx = $tx->begin();

$recUp = [ 'accommodation' => 'mountain cabin' ];
$rec2 = new Record();
$rec2->setOData( $recUp );
$rec2->setOClass( 'V' );
$rec2->setRid( $first_rec->getRid() );
$rec2->setVersion( $first_rec->getVersion() );

$updateCommand = $client->recordUpdate( $rec2 );

$createCommand = $client->recordCreate(
    ( new Record() )
        ->setOData( [ 'accommodation' => 'bungalow' ] )
        ->setOClass( 'V' )
        ->setRid( new ID( 9 ) )

$deleteCommand = $client->recordDelete( $sec_rec->getRid() );

//Attach to the transaction statement, they will be executed in the same order
$tx->attach( $updateCommand );  // first
$tx->attach( $createCommand );  // second
$tx->attach( $deleteCommand );  // third

$result = $tx->commit();

 * @var Record $record
foreach ( $result as $record ){
    if( $record->getRid() == $first_rec->getRid() ){
        $this->assertEquals( $record->getOData(), [ 'accommodation' => 'mountain cabin' ] );
        $this->assertEquals( $record->getOClass(), $first_rec->getOClass() );
    } else {
        $this->assertEquals( $record->getOData(), [ 'accommodation' => 'bungalow' ] );
        $this->assertEquals( $record->getOClass(), 'V' );

//check for deleted record
$deleted = $client->recordLoad( $sec_rec->getRid() );
$this->assertEmpty( $deleted );


$data = $client->dataClusterDataRange( 9 );

$client->dataClusterCount( $client->getTransport()->getClusterMap()->getIdList() );

$result = $client->dbCountRecords();

$reloaded_list = $client->dbReload();  # $reloaded_list === $client->getTransport()->getClusterMap()

$client->dataClusterAdd( 'new_cluster', 
    PhpOrient::CLUSTER_TYPE_MEMORY  # optional, default: PhpOrient::CLUSTER_TYPE_PHYSICAL

$client->dataClusterDrop( 11 );

$client = new PhpOrient( 'localhost', 2424 ); 
$client->setSessionToken( true );  // set true to enable the token based authentication
$clusterID = $client->dbOpen( "GratefulDeadConcerts", 'admin', 'admin' );
$sessionToken = $client->getSessionToken(); // store this token somewhere

//destroy the old client, equals to another user/socket/ip ecc.

// create a new client
$client = new PhpOrient( 'localhost', 2424 ); 

// set the previous obtained token to re-attach to the old session
$client->setSessionToken( $sessionToken );  

//now the dbOpen is not needed to perform database operations
$records = $client->query( 'select * from V limit 10' );

//set the flag again to true if you want to renew the token
$client->setSessionToken( true );  // set true
$clusterID = $client->dbOpen( "GratefulDeadConcerts", 'admin', 'admin' );
$new_sessionToken = $client->getSessionToken();

$this->assertNotEquals( $sessionToken, $new_sessionToken );

use PhpOrient\PhpOrient;

$client = new PhpOrient();
$client->configure( array(
    'username' => 'admin',
    'password' => 'admin',
    'hostname' => 'localhost',
    'port'     => 2424,
) );


$client->dbCreate( 'animals', PhpOrient::STORAGE_TYPE_MEMORY );
$client->dbOpen( 'animals', 'admin', 'admin' );

$client->command( 'create class Animal extends V' );
$client->command( "insert into Animal set name = 'rat', specie = 'rodent'" );
$animal = $client->query( "select * from Animal" );

$client->command( 'create class Food extends V' );
$client->command( "insert into Food set name = 'pea', color = 'green'" );

$client->command( 'create class Eat extends E' );

$client->command( "create edge Eat from ( select from Animal where name = 'rat' ) to ( select from Food where name = 'pea' )" );

$pea_eaters = $client->query( "select expand( in( Eat )) from Food where name = 'pea'" );

$animal_foods = $client->query( "select expand( out( Eat )) from Animal" );

foreach ( $animal_foods as $food ) {
    $animal = $client->query(
        "select name from ( select expand( in('Eat') ) from Food where name = 'pea' )"
    $this->assertEquals( 'pea', $food[ 'name' ] );
    $this->assertEquals( 'green', $food[ 'color' ] );
    $this->assertEquals( 'rat', $animal[ 'name' ] );
php -r "readfile('');" | php
php composer.phar --no-dev install
php composer.phar install