1. Go to this page and download the library: Download gudv1n86/telegram-bot library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
gudv1n86 / telegram-bot example snippets
use Formapro\TelegramBot\Bot;
use Formapro\TelegramBot\SetWebhook;
use function GuzzleHttp\Psr7\str;
$bot = new Bot('telegramToken');
$setWebhook = new SetWebhook('https://your.app/telegram-updates-hook');
// uncomment if use use self-signed certificate
// $setWebhook->setCertificate(file_get_contents('/path/to/self-signed-certifcate.pem'));
$response = $bot->setWebhook($setWebhook);
echo str($response);
use Formapro\TelegramBot\Bot;
use function GuzzleHttp\Psr7\str;
$bot = new Bot('telegramToken');
$response = $bot->getWebhookInfo();
echo str($response);
use Formapro\TelegramBot\Bot;
use Formapro\TelegramBot\Update;
use Formapro\TelegramBot\SendMessage;
$requestBody = file_get_contents('php://input');
$data = json_decode($requestBody, true);
$update = Update::create($data);
$bot = new Bot('telegramToken');
$bot->sendMessage(new SendMessage(
'Hi there! What can I do?'
use Formapro\TelegramBot\Bot;
use Formapro\TelegramBot\Update;
use Formapro\TelegramBot\SendMessage;
$requestBody = file_get_contents('php://input');
$data = json_decode($requestBody, true);
$update = Update::create($data);
// You can pass URI of image or a path to file
$picture = '/path/to/picture'; // OR https://some-server.com/some.jpg
$sendPhoto = new SendPhoto(
file_get_contents($picture) // or just $picture if it's url
// also you can set `caption` to image
$sendPhoto->setCaption('Some caption under the picture');
$bot = new Bot('telegramToken');
use Formapro\TelegramBot\Bot;
use Formapro\TelegramBot\Update;
use Formapro\TelegramBot\SendDocument;
use Formapro\TelegramBot\FileUrl;
use Formapro\TelegramBot\FileId;
use Formapro\TelegramBot\InputFile;
$requestBody = file_get_contents('php://input');
$data = json_decode($requestBody, true);
$update = Update::create($data);
// You can pass URI of image or a path to file
//$document = new FileUrl('https://some-server.com/some.pdf');
// You can pass an ID of already stored file on Telegram side.
//$document = new FileId('123');
// You can pass local file.
$document = new InputFile('test.txt', 'Hi there!');
$sendDocument = SendDocument::withInputFile(
// also you can set `caption` to image
$sendDocument->setCaption('Some caption under the document');
$bot = new Bot('telegramToken');
use Formapro\TelegramBot\Bot;
use Formapro\TelegramBot\Update;
use Formapro\TelegramBot\SendInvoice;
$requestBody = file_get_contents('php://input');
$data = json_decode($requestBody, true);
$update = Update::create($data);
$payload = []; // any params which you need to proccess in the transaction
$providerToken = 'something:like:this'; // Token have to be taken from botFather
$sendInvoice = new SendInvoice(
'Your title',
'Your description of invoice',
'12314czasdq', // unique id
[new LabeledPrice('PriceLabel_1', 3001)] // amount; here 30.01 UAH
$bot = new Bot('telegramToken');
use Formapro\TelegramBot\Bot;
use Formapro\TelegramBot\Update;
use Formapro\TelegramBot\SendMessage;
use Formapro\TelegramBot\KeyboardButton;
use Formapro\TelegramBot\ReplyKeyboardMarkup;
$requestBody = file_get_contents('php://input');
$data = json_decode($requestBody, true);
$update = Update::create($data);
$fooButton = new KeyboardButton('foo');
$barButton = new KeyboardButton('bar');
$bazButton = new KeyboardButton('bar');
$keyboard = new ReplyKeyboardMarkup([[$fooButton], [$barButton, $bazButton]]);
$sendMessage = new SendMessage($update->getMessage()->getChat()->getId(), 'Choose an option.');
$bot = new Bot('telegramToken');
use Formapro\TelegramBot\Bot;
use Formapro\TelegramBot\Update;
use Formapro\TelegramBot\SendMessage;
use Formapro\TelegramBot\KeyboardButton;
use Formapro\TelegramBot\ReplyKeyboardMarkup;
$requestBody = file_get_contents('php://input');
$data = json_decode($requestBody, true);
$update = Update::create($data);
$button = new KeyboardButton('Share my contacts');
$keyboard = new ReplyKeyboardMarkup([[$button]]);
$sendMessage = new SendMessage($update->getMessage()->getChat()->getId(), 'Please, share your contact info with us.');
$bot = new Bot('telegramToken');
use Formapro\TelegramBot\InlineKeyboardButton;
use Formapro\TelegramBot\InlineKeyboardMarkup;
use Formapro\TelegramBot\SendMessage;
use Formapro\TelegramBot\Bot;
use Formapro\TelegramBot\Update;
$requestBody = file_get_contents('php://input');
$data = json_decode($requestBody, true);
$update = Update::create($data);
$button = InlineKeyboardButton::withUrl('inline button', 'https://your.app/link');
$keyboard = new InlineKeyboardMarkup([[$button]]);
$sendMessage = new SendMessage($update->getMessage()->getChat()->getId(), 'Click on inline button.');
$bot = new Bot('telegramToken');
use Formapro\TelegramBot\InlineKeyboardButton;
use Formapro\TelegramBot\InlineKeyboardMarkup;
use Formapro\TelegramBot\SendMessage;
use Formapro\TelegramBot\Bot;
use Formapro\TelegramBot\Update;
$requestBody = file_get_contents('php://input');
$data = json_decode($requestBody, true);
$update = Update::create($data);
$button = InlineKeyboardButton::withCallbackData('inline button', 'some_data');
$keyboard = new InlineKeyboardMarkup([[$button]]);
$sendMessage = new SendMessage($update->getMessage()->getChat()->getId(), 'Click on inline button.');
$bot = new Bot('telegramToken');
use Formapro\TelegramBot\AnswerCallbackQuery;
use Formapro\TelegramBot\Bot;
use Formapro\TelegramBot\Update;
$requestBody = file_get_contents('php://input');
$data = json_decode($requestBody, true);
$update = Update::create($data);
if ($callbackQuery = $update->getCallbackQuery()) {
$bot = new Bot('telegramToken');
$bot->answerCallbackQuery(new AnswerCallbackQuery($callbackQuery->getId()));
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