PHP code example of guansunyata / php-nats-streaming

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download guansunyata/php-nats-streaming library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


guansunyata / php-nats-streaming example snippets

$options = new \NatsStreaming\ConnectionOptions();
$c = new \NatsStreaming\Connection($options);


// Publish
$r = $c->publish('special.subject', 'some serialized payload...');

// optionally wait for the ack
$gotAck = $r->wait();
if (!$gotAck) {


foreach ($req as $data){
    $r = $c->publish(...);
    $gotAck = $r->wait();
    if (!$gotAck) {

$rs = [];
foreach ($req as $data){
    $rs[] = $c->publish(...);

foreach ($rs as $r){

$options = new \NatsStreaming\ConnectionOptions();
$c = new \NatsStreaming\Connection($options);


$subOptions = new \NatsStreaming\SubscriptionOptions();

$sub = $c->subscribe('special.subject', function ($message) {
    // implement
}, $subOptions);


// not explicitly needed
$sub->unsubscribe(); // or $sub->close();





$sub = $c->subscribe('special.subject', function ($message) {
    // implement
}, $subOptions);
$sub2 = $c->subscribe('special.subject', function ($message) {
    // implement
}, $subOptions);


$options = new \NatsStreaming\ConnectionOptions();
$c = new \NatsStreaming\Connection($options);


$subOptions = new \NatsStreaming\SubscriptionOptions();
$sub = $c->queueSubscribe('specialer.subject', 'workgroup', function ($message) {
    // implement
}, $subOptions);


// not explicitly needed
$sub->close(); // or $sub->unsubscribe();


$options = new \NatsStreaming\ConnectionOptions();
$c = new \NatsStreaming\Connection($options);


$subOptions = new \NatsStreaming\SubscriptionOptions();

$sub = $c->subscribe('special.subject', function ($message) {
}, $subOptions);



php composer.phar