PHP code example of guanhui07 / newebpay

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download guanhui07/newebpay library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


guanhui07 / newebpay example snippets

$info = new \fall1600\Package\Newebpay\Info\Period\BasicInfo($order, $payer, $periodStartType, $version);

$info = new ReturnUrl($info, 'https://your.return.url');
$info = new NotifyUrl($info, 'https://your.notify.url');
$info = new BackUrl($info, 'https://your.back.url');
$info = new Memo($info, 'your memo here');

$newebpay = new NewebPay();
    ->setIsProduction(false) // 設定環境, 預設就是走正式機
    ->setMerchant(new Merchant($merchantId, $hashKey, $hashIv))

namespace Your\Namespace;

use fall1600\Package\Newebpay\Contracts\Period\OrderInterface;

class Order implements OrderInterface
    // your order detail...

namespace Your\Namespace;

use fall1600\Package\Newebpay\Contracts\Period\ContactInterface;

class Member implements ContactInterface
    // your member detail...

$info = new BasicInfo($merchantId, $notifyUrl, $order, $payer);

// 啟用信用卡
$info = new EnableCredit($info);
// 啟用3, 6, 12 期分期付款
$info = new PayInInstallments($info, '3,6,12');
// 啟用超商條碼
$info = new EnableBarcode($info);
// 啟用Google Pay
$info = new EnableGooglePay($info);
// 啟用Web ATM
$info = new EnableWebAtm($info);
// 搭配非即時交易, 設定藍新通知付款資訊的callback url, 以及繳費期限
$info = new OfflinePay($info, $customerUrl, $ttl);
// 在藍新交易完成後導回的網址
$info = new PayComplete($info, $returnUrl);
// 設定讓消費者在付款頁按下返回時可以回導的頁面
$info = new PayCancel($info, $clientBackUrl);

// 文件末有付款方式對應表

$newebpay = new NewebPay();
    ->setIsProduction(false) // 設定環境, 預設就是走正式機
    ->setMerchant(new Merchant($merchantId, $hashKey, $hashIv))

namespace Your\Namespace;

use fall1600\Package\Newebpay\Contracts\OrderInterface;

class Order implements OrderInterface
    // your order detail...

namespace Your\Namespace;

use fall1600\Package\Newebpay\Contracts\PayerInterface;

class Member implements PayerInterface
    // your member detail...

$isValid = $merchant->setRawData($request->all())->validateResponse(); //確認為true 後再往下走

// response 封裝了通知交易的結果, 以下僅列常用methods
$response = $merchant->getResponse();
// 付款成敗
// 取得交易序號
// 取得訂單編號, 就是OrderInterface 實作的getMerchantOrderNo
// 付款時間

$info = new AliPayBasicInfo($merchantId, $notifyUrl, $order, $payer, $numberOfProducts);
$info = new EnableAliPay($info);

$info = new AliPayProduct($info, 1, $product1);
$info = new AliPayProduct($info, 2, $product2);

$resp = $newebpay