PHP code example of gstt / laravel-achievements

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download gstt/laravel-achievements library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


gstt / laravel-achievements example snippets

'providers' => [

namespace App\Achievements;

use Gstt\Achievements\Achievement;

class UserMadeAPost extends Achievement
     * The achievement name
    public $name = "Post Created";

     * A small description for the achievement
    public $description = "Congratulations! You have made your first post!";

namespace App;

use Gstt\Achievements\Achiever;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;

class User extends Authenticatable
    use Achiever;

use App\Achievements\UserMadeAPost

$user->unlock(new UserMadeAPost());

namespace App\Achievements;

use Gstt\Achievements\Achievement;

class UserMade10Posts extends Achievement
     * The achievement name
    public $name = "10 Posts Created";

     * A small description for the achievement
    public $description = "Wow! You have already created 10 posts!";
     * The amount of "points" this user need to obtain in order to complete this achievement
    public $points = 10;

use App\Achievements\UserMade10Posts;

$user->addProgress(new UserMade10Posts(), 1); // Adds 1 point of progress to the UserMade10Posts achievement

use App\Achievements\FiveConsecutiveSRanks;

if($rank != 'S'){
    $user->resetProgress(new FiveConsecutiveSRanks());
} else {
    $user->addProgress(new FiveConsecutiveSRanks(), 1);

use App\Achievements\Have1000GoldOnTheBag;

$user->setProgress(new Have100GoldOnTheBag(), $user->amountOfGoldOnTheBag);

$achievements   = $user->achievements;
$unlocked_today = $user->achievements()->where('unlocked_at', '>=', Carbon::yesterday())->get();

$details = $user->achievementStatus(new UserMade10Posts());

namespace App\Achievements;

use Gstt\Achievements\Achievement;

class UserMade50Posts extends Achievement
     * The achievement name
    public $name = "50 Posts Created";

     * A small description for the achievement
    public $description = "Wow! You have already created 50 posts!";
     * The amount of "points" this user need to obtain in order to complete this achievement
    public $points = 50;
     * Triggers whenever an Achiever makes progress on this achievement
    public function whenProgress($progress)
     * Triggers whenever an Achiever unlocks this achievement
    public function whenUnlocked($progress)

php artisan migrate

php artisan make:achievement UserMadeAPost