PHP code example of gsteel / dot

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download gsteel/dot library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


gsteel / dot example snippets

use GSteel\Dot;
use GSteel\MissingKey;
use GSteel\InvalidValue;
use stdClass;

$data = [
    'data' => [
        'float' => 1.23,
        'integer' => 42,
        'bool' => true,
        'string' => 'Goats',
        'callable' => static fn (): string => 'Hey!',
        'instance' => new stdClass(),
        'mixed' => null,
        'array' => ['a' => 'b'],

$value = Dot::float('data.float', $data); // 1.23
$value = Dot::integer('data.integer', $data); // 42
$value = Dot::bool('data.bool', $data); // true
$value = Dot::string('data.string', $data); // Goats
$value = Dot::callable('data.callable', $data); // function
$value = Dot::instanceOf('data.instance', $data, stdClass::class); // object<stdClass>
$value = Dot::valueAt('data.mixed'); // mixed
$value = Dot::array('data.array'); // ['a' => 'b']

$value = Dot::string('nope.not-there', $data); // Exception: MissingKey
$value = Dot::string('data.float', $data); // Exception: InvalidValue

use GSteel\Dot;

$data = ['a' => ['b' => ['c' => 'foo']]];

$value = Dot::stringOrNull('a.b.c', $data); // "foo"
$value = Dot::stringOrNull('a.b.nope', $data); // null
$value = Dot::integerOrNull('a.b.c', $data); // null

use GSteel\Dot;

$data = ['a' => ['b' => ['c' => 'foo']]];

$value = Dot::stringDefault('a.b.c', $data, 'bar'); // "foo"
$value = Dot::stringDefault('a.b.nope', $data, 'bar'); // "bar"
$value = Dot::integerDefault('a.b.c', $data, 42); // 42

use GSteel\Dot;

$data = [
    'data' => [
        '' => 'value',
        'slash/dot.' => 'value',
        'array/' => [
            'd.o.t.s' => [
                'p|pes' => 'value',

$value = Dot::string('data/', $data, '/'); // "value"
$value = Dot::string('data|slash/dot.', $data, '|'); // "value"
$value = Dot::string('data*array/*d.o.t.s*p|pes', $data, '*'); // "value"

use GSteel\Dot;

$config = $container->get('config');

$connectionParams = $config['doctrine']['connection']['params'] ?? [];
// 👆 Psalm has no idea what that is.

// Alternatively…

$params = [
    'host' => Dot::stringDefault('', $config, 'localhost'),
    'port' => Dot::integerDefault('doctrine.connection.params.port', $config, 1234),