PHP code example of greksazoo / unicredit-transfer-import-generator-hu

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download greksazoo/unicredit-transfer-import-generator-hu library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


greksazoo / unicredit-transfer-import-generator-hu example snippets

$uni = new UnicreditHuGenerator();
            'currency'     => 'HUF',
            'account_number' => '11112222-33334444-00000000',
                'account_number' => '11112222-00000099',
				'notice'=>'ez egy hosszabb kozlemeny is lehet'
                'account_number' => '11112299-33334444-00000002',
                'notice'=>'ez egy hosszabb kozlemeny is lehet'
$filenev = $uni->generateFile($data);
return Storage::download($filenev,'');

$uni = new UnicreditHuGenerator();
$data= [
            'currency'     => 'HUF',
            'account_number' => '11112222-33334444-00000000',
                'account_number' => '11112222-00000099',
				'notice'=>'ez egy hosszabb kozlemeny is lehet'
                'account_number' => '11112299-33334444-00000002',
                'notice'=>'ez egy hosszabb kozlemeny is lehet'
$text = $uni->generateText($data);