PHP code example of gregorj / correct-horse

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download gregorj/correct-horse library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


gregorj / correct-horse example snippets

use GregorJ\CorrectHorse\Generators\RandomNumbers;
use GregorJ\CorrectHorse\Generators\RandomWord;
use GregorJ\CorrectHorse\Generators\RandomWords;
use GregorJ\CorrectHorse\Generators\RandomCharacter;
use GregorJ\CorrectHorse\PassphraseGenerator;

$passphrase = new PassphraseGenerator();
// separate the random items of the passphrase with a special character
$passphrase->setSeparator(new RandomCharacter(['-', '#', '.', ' ']));
// random numbers should be between 1 and 99
$randomNumbers = new RandomNumbers();
// add one random number at the beginning
$passphrase->add($randomNumbers, 1);
// add 4 random lower or upper case words
    new RandomWords(
        new RandomWord(new DictionaryFile('dict-de-lc.txt')),
        new RandomWord(new DictionaryFile('dict-de-uc.txt'))
// finally, add another random number
$passphrase->add($randomNumbers, 1);
// now let's generate a random passphrase
echo $passphrase->generate().PHP_EOL;
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