PHP code example of grayhoax / phptelebot

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download grayhoax/phptelebot library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


grayhoax / phptelebot example snippets

 new PHPTelebot('TOKEN', 'BOT_USERNAME'); // Bot username is optional, its and
$bot->cmd('/echo|/say', function ($text) {
    if ($text == '') {
        $text = 'Command usage: /echo [text] or /say [text]';
    return Bot::sendMessage($text);

// Simple whoami command
$bot->cmd('/whoami|!whoami', function () {
    // Get message properties
    $message = Bot::message();
    $name = $message['from']['first_name'];
    $userId = $message['from']['id'];
    $text = 'You are <b>'.$name.'</b> and your ID is <code>'.$userId.'</code>';
    $options = [
        'parse_mode' => 'html',
        'reply' => true

    return Bot::sendMessage($text, $options);


// simple answer
$bot->cmd('*', 'I am a bot');

// catch multiple commands
$bot->cmd('/start|/help', function () {
   // Do something here.

// call a function name
function googleSearch($search) {
   // Do something here.
$bot->cmd('/google', 'googleSearch');

// Simple photo upload
$bot->cmd('/upload', function () {
    $file = '/path/to/photo.png'; // File path, file id, or url.
    return Bot::sendPhoto($file);

$bot->on('inline', function($text) {
    $results[] = [
        'type' => 'article',
        'id' => 'unique_id1',
        'title' => $text,
        'message_text' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
    $options = [
        'cache_time' => 3600,

    return Bot::answerInlineQuery($results, $options);

$bot->on('sticker|photo|document', function() {
  // Do something here.

$bot->regex('/^\/regex (.*) ([0-9])$/i', function($matches) {
    // Do something here.
php file.php