PHP code example of grantjm9992 / fluentpdo

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download grantjm9992/fluentpdo library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


grantjm9992 / fluentpdo example snippets

$pdo = new PDO("mysql:dbname=fluentdb", "root");
$fluent = new \Envms\FluentPDO\Query($pdo);

$query = $fluent->from('comment')
             ->where('article.published_at > ?', $date)
             ->orderBy('published_at DESC')

foreach ($query as $row) {
    echo "$row[title]\n";

$query = $fluent->from('table_1')

$query = $fluent->unifiedTables(['table_1', 'table_2', 'table_3'], '_table')
            ->orderBy('first_name ASC')
            ->where('first_name LIKE "%test%"');

$query = $fluent->from('article')
             ->leftJoin('user ON = article.user_id')

$query = $fluent->from('article')

$query = $fluent->from('article')


$query = $fluent->from('article')->where('id', 1)->fetch();
$query = $fluent->from('user', 1)->fetch(); // shorter version if selecting one row by primary key

$values = array('title' => 'article 1', 'content' => 'content 1');

$query = $fluent->insertInto('article')->values($values)->execute();
$query = $fluent->insertInto('article', $values)->execute(); // shorter version

$set = array('published_at' => new FluentLiteral('NOW()'));

$query = $fluent->update('article')->set($set)->where('id', 1)->execute();
$query = $fluent->update('article', $set, 1)->execute(); // shorter version if updating one row by primary key

$query = $fluent->deleteFrom('article')->where('id', 1)->execute();
$query = $fluent->deleteFrom('article', 1)->execute(); // shorter version if deleting one row by primary key