PHP code example of granam / czech-vocative

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download granam/czech-vocative library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


granam / czech-vocative example snippets

use Granam\CzechVocative\CzechName;
$name = new CzechName();
$name->vocative('Petr'); // 'Petře'
$name->vocative('Novák'); // 'Nováku'
$name->vocative('Adriana');	// 'Adriano'
$name->vocative('Fialová');	// 'Fialová'

use Granam\CzechVocative\CzechName;

$name = new CzechName();
$name->vocative('Michel'); // 'Micheli' - automaticky jako mužské
$name->vocative('Michel', false); // 'Micheli - výslovně mužské'
$name->vocative('Michel', true); // 'Michel - výslovně ženské'

use Granam\CzechVocative\CzechName;

$name = new CzechName();
$name->vocative('Ivanova'); // 'Ivanova' - automaticky příjmení
$name->vocative('Ivanova', true, true); // 'Ivanova'
$name->vocative('Ivanova', true, false); // 'Ivanovo'

use Granam\CzechVocative\CzechName;

$name = new CzechName();
$name->isMale('Michal'); // true
$name->isMale('Novák'); // true
$name->isMale('Tereza'); // false
$name->isMale('Nováková'); // false