PHP code example of granada-pride / clickpaysa

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download granada-pride/clickpaysa library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


granada-pride / clickpaysa example snippets

return [

    | Clickpay Profile ID
    | This is your Clickpay profile ID, which is   | Clickpay Server Key
    | Your Clickpay server key is used to authenticate API requests. Make 
    | sure to keep this value secure and do not expose it in your version 
    | control system. It should be stored in the .env file.

    'server_key' => env('CLICKPAY_SERVER_KEY'),

    | Default Currency
    | The currency in which payments will be processed by default. You can 
    | change this to any currency supported by Clickpay (e.g., USD, EUR).
    | This value can also be configured in your .env file.

    'currency' => env('CLICKPAY_CURRENCY', 'SAR'),

    | Clickpay API Base URL
    | The base URL for the Clickpay API. This is typically the endpoint where 
    | API requests are sent. You can change this value if Clickpay provides 
    | a different URL for specific regions or environments (e.g., testing).

    'base_url' => env('CLICKPAY_BASE_URL', ''),


use GranadaPride\Clickpay\ClickpayClient;
use GranadaPride\Clickpay\DTO\CustomerDTO;
use GranadaPride\Clickpay\DTO\PaymentDTO;
use GranadaPride\Clickpay\Contracts\PaymentGatewayInterface;

$clickpay = app(PaymentGatewayInterface::class);

// Set CustomerDTO Information using the CustomerDTO DTO
$customerDTO = new CustomerDTO(
    name: 'Ahmad Mohamed',
    phone: '+123456789',
    email: '[email protected]',
    street: '123 Main St',
    city: 'Cityville',
    state: 'Stateland',
    country: 'KSA',
    zipCode: '12345'

// Use CustomerDTO Information for Shipping if it's the same
$shippingDTO = $customerDTO;

// Set PaymentDTO Details
$paymentDTO = new PaymentDTO(
    cartId: 'CART123',
    cartAmount: 150.00,
    cartDescription: 'Sample Cart Description',
    customerDTO: $customerDTO,
    shippingDTO: $shippingDTO,
    callbackUrl: '',
    returnUrl: '',
    paypageLang: 'ar',
    hideShipping: false  // Set to true if you want to hide shipping details on the payment page

// Or you can simply send only 

use GranadaPride\Clickpay\Contracts\PaymentGatewayInterface;

$clickpay = app(PaymentGatewayInterface::class);

$response = $clickpay->queryTransaction('TST2422201903602');


use GranadaPride\Clickpay\Contracts\PaymentGatewayInterface;

$clickpay = app(PaymentGatewayInterface::class);

$response = $clickpay->capturePayment(
    transactionReference: 'TST2112600164150',
    amount: 1.3,
    currency: 'SAR',
    cartId: 'cart_66666',
    cartDescription: 'Capture reason'


use GranadaPride\Clickpay\Contracts\PaymentGatewayInterface;

$clickpay = app(PaymentGatewayInterface::class);

$response = $clickpay->refundPayment(
    transactionReference: 'TST2016700000692',
    amount: 1.3,
    currency: 'SAR',
    cartId: 'cart_66666',
    cartDescription: 'Refund reason'


use GranadaPride\Clickpay\ClickpayClient;
use GranadaPride\Clickpay\Contracts\PaymentGatewayInterface;

$clickpay = app(PaymentGatewayInterface::class);

$response = $clickpay->voidPayment(
    transactionReference: 'TST2016700000692',
    amount: 1.3,
    currency: 'SAR',
    cartId: 'cart_66666',
    cartDescription: 'Void reason'

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="GranadaPride\Clickpay\ClickpayServiceProvider"