PHP code example of grachev / enum

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download grachev/enum library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


grachev / enum example snippets

namespace Premier\Enum;

 * @method static DriveWheel front()
 * @method static DriveWheel rear()
 * @method static DriveWheel allDrive()
 * @method static DriveWheel fromCode(string $code)
 * @method bool   isFront()
 * @method bool   isRear()
 * @method bool   isAllDrive()
 * @method string toCode()
final class DriveWheel extends Enum
    private const FRONT = 1;
    private const REAR = 2;
    private const ALL_DRIVE = 3;

    protected static $code = [
        self::FRONT => 'FWD',
        self::REAR => 'RWD',
        self::ALL_DRIVE => 'AWD',

// New instance
$drive = DriveWheel::create(1);
// or
$drive = DriveWheel::front();
// or
$drive = DriveWheel::fromCode('FWD');
// or
$drive = DriveWheel::from('code', 'FWD');

// Array instances
DriveWheel::all(); // [DriveWheel::front(), DriveWheel::rear(), DriveWheel::allDrive()]
DriveWheel::all(['FWD', 'RWD'], $reverse = false, $property = 'code'); // [DriveWheel::front(), DriveWheel::rear()]
DriveWheel::all([1, 2], $reverse = true); // [DriveWheel::allDrive()]

// Methods
$drive->toId();    // 1
$drive->to('id');  // 1
(string) $drive;   // '1'

$drive->toName(); // 'front'

$drive->toCode();   // 'FWD'
$drive->to('code'); // 'FWD'

$drive->isFront(); // true
$drive->isRear();  // false

$drive->eq(DriveWheel::front()); // false
$drive->eq(DriveWheel::rear());  // false

Premier\Enum\Doctrine\EnumType::register(Premier\Enum\Gender::class, 'gender_enum', $property = 'id');

class Entity 
    * @var Gender
    * @ORM\Column(type="gender_enum") 
    public $gender;