PHP code example of gopay / payments-sdk-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download gopay/payments-sdk-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


gopay / payments-sdk-php example snippets

// minimal configuration
$gopay = GoPay\Api::payments([
    'goid' => 'my goid',
    'clientId' => 'my id',
    'clientSecret' => 'my secret',
    'gatewayUrl' => 'gateway url'

// full configuration
$gopay = GoPay\Api::payments([
    'goid' => 'my goid',
    'clientId' => 'my id',
    'clientSecret' => 'my secret',
    'gatewayUrl' => 'gateway url',
    'scope' => GoPay\Definition\TokenScope::ALL,
    'language' => GoPay\Definition\Language::CZECH,
    'timeout' => 30

$response = $gopay->createPayment([/* define your payment  */]);
if ($response->hasSucceed()) {
    echo "hooray, API returned {$response}";
    return $response->json['gw_url']; // url for initiation of gateway
} else {
    // errors format:
    echo "oops, API returned {$response->statusCode}: {$response}";

// create payment and pass url to template 
$response = $gopay->createPayment([/* define your payment  */]);
if ($response->hasSucceed()) {

        $gatewayUrl => $response->json['gw_url'],
        $embedJs => $gopay->urlToEmbedJs()
        // render template

<form action="<?= $gatewayUrl 

<form action="<?= $gatewayUrl 

// register cache in optional service configuration
$gopay = GoPay\payments(
    [/* your config */],
    ['cache' => new PrimitiveFileCache()]

use GoPay\Token\TokenCache;
use GoPay\Token\AccessToken;

class PrimitiveFileCache implements TokenCache
    public function setAccessToken($client, AccessToken $t)
        file_put_contents(__DIR__ . "/{$client}", serialize($t));

    public function getAccessToken($client)
        $file = __DIR__ . "/{$client}";
        if (file_exists($file)) {
            return unserialize(file_get_contents($file));
        return null; 

// register logger in optional service configuration
$gopay = GoPay\payments(
    [/* your config */],
    ['logger' => new GoPay\Http\Log\PrintHttpRequest()]