PHP code example of golivehost / php-qrcodegen

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download golivehost/php-qrcodegen library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


golivehost / php-qrcodegen example snippets

// Include Composer's autoloader

// Instantiate the QRCodeGenerator class
$golivehost = new QRCodeGenerator();

// Set data to encode in the QR code
$golivehost->setData('Sample data for the QR code');

// Set QR code size

// Set label for the QR code
$golivehost->setLabel('Sample QR Code Label');

// Save the generated QR code

echo "QR code with label saved as qr_code_with_label.png\n";

// Include Composer's autoloader

// Instantiate the QRCodeGenerator class
$golivehost = new QRCodeGenerator();

// Set data to encode in the QR code
$golivehost->setData('Sample data for the QR code');

// Set QR code size

// Do not set any label for the QR code

echo "QR code without label saved as qr_code_without_label.png\n";

// Include Composer's autoloader

// Generate and save the QR code with a label
QRCodeUtils::generateAndSave('Sample data for the QR code', 'qr_code_sample.png', '300x300', 'Sample QR Code Label');

echo "QR code with label saved as qr_code_sample.png\n";
