PHP code example of gokhankurtulus / chronos

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download gokhankurtulus/chronos library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


gokhankurtulus / chronos example snippets

use Chronos\Chronos;
use Chronos\TimeUnitTranslator;

$format = "Y-m-d H:i:s";
$timezone = "Europe/Istanbul";
$allowedLanguages = ["en", "tr"];
$currentLanguage = "tr";
$defaultLanguage = "en";


//If you want to trigger 'date_default_timezone_set' function, set second parameter as true on the 'setDefaultTimeZone' method.
Chronos::setDefaultTimeZone($timezone, true);

// Set current language by default to pretty print.
TimeUnitTranslator::initialize($currentLanguage, $defaultLanguage, $allowedLanguages);

use Chronos\Chronos;

$timestamp = 946677600;
$time = "2000-01-01 00:00:00";
$format = "Y-m-d H:i:s";
$timezone = "Europe/Istanbul";

Chronos::setDefaultTimeZone($timezone, true);

 * Format parameter is optional. If you don't give, tries to get from Chronos::getDefaultFormat()
 * Timezone parameter is optional.
 * Indicates that date was created from this timezone.
 * If you don't give, tries to get from Chronos::getDefaultTimeZone()
 * Then tries to get from 'date_default_timezone_get()'
$createFromFormat = Chronos::createFromFormat($time, $format, $timezone);

 * Timezone parameter is optional.
 * Indicates that created date from timestamp will be converted to this timezone.
 * If you don't give, tries to get from Chronos::getDefaultTimeZone()
 * Then tries to get from 'date_default_timezone_get()'
$createFromTimestamp = Chronos::createFromTimestamp($timestamp, $timezone);

/** Usage Examples */

$yesterday  = Chronos::yesterday();
$now        = Chronos::now();
$tomorrow   = Chronos::tomorrow();

if (Chronos::isFormattable($time, $format) && Chronos::isValidTimeZone($timezone)) {
    $createFromFormat = Chronos::createFromFormat($time, $format, $timezone);

if (Chronos::isTimestamp($timestamp) && Chronos::isValidTimeZone($timezone)) {
    $createFromTimestamp = Chronos::createFromTimestamp($timestamp, $timezone);

// output:
//object(Chronos\Chronos)#4 (1) {
//  ["dateTimeImmutable":protected]=>
//  object(DateTimeImmutable)#2 (3) {
//    ["date"]=>
//    string(26) "2000-01-01 00:00:00.000000"
//    ["timezone_type"]=>
//    int(3)
//    ["timezone"]=>
//    string(15) "Europe/Istanbul"
//  }

$time = "2023-12-12 00:00:00";
$format = "Y-m-d H:i:s";
$timezone = "Europe/Istanbul";

$createFromFormat = Chronos::createFromFormat($time, $format, $timezone);

$manipulatedDate = $createFromFormat

// change timezone to actual date by timezone
$timezoneChanged = $manipulatedDate->toTimeZone('Europe/Berlin');

echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';

// Output:
// string(19) "2025-01-12 23:01:01"
// string(19) "2025-01-13 01:01:01"
// string(19) "2023-12-12 00:00:00"

$time = "2000-01-01 00:00:00";
$format = "Y-m-d H:i:s";
$timezone1 = "Europe/Istanbul";
$timezone2 = "Europe/Berlin";

$first = Chronos::createFromFormat($time, $format, $timezone1);
$second = Chronos::createFromFormat($time, $format, $timezone2);

var_dump($first->age()); // executed in: 2023, output: 23.

/** $targetDateTime can be Chronos|DateTimeInterface */
var_dump($first->isPast($second)); // output: true

/** $targetDateTime can be Chronos|DateTimeInterface */
var_dump($first->isFuture($second)); // output: false

/** $targetDateTime can be Chronos|DateTimeInterface */
var_dump($first->isSameDay($second)); // output: true

var_dump($first->isWeekday()); // output: false
var_dump($first->isWeekend()); // output: true

/** $targetDateTime can be Chronos|DateTimeInterface */
var_dump($first->dayDiff($second)); // output: int(0)

/** $targetDateTime can be Chronos|DateTimeInterface */
var_dump($first->diff($second)); // output is similar to diffFromFormat method

var_dump($first->diffFromFormat($time, $format, $timezone2));
// same output for diff and diffFromFormat methods:
//object(DateInterval)#7 (10) {
//  ["y"]=>
//  int(0)
//  ["m"]=>
//  int(0)
//  ["d"]=>
//  int(0)
//  ["h"]=>
//  int(1)
//  ["i"]=>
//  int(0)
//  ["s"]=>
//  int(0)
//  ["f"]=>
//  float(0)
//  ["invert"]=>
//  int(0)
//  ["days"]=>
//  int(0)
//  ["from_string"]=>
//  bool(false)

// If you want to initialize TimeUnitTranslator,
// then you can give null to $lang parameter when you want to use translations
// default language is 'en'.
// If you don't set current language and give null it will try to get default language
/** @see for more usage examples */

use Chronos\TimeUnitTranslator;

// check src/Lang for supported languages
$allowedLanguages = ["en"]; // then you can set allowed languages whatever you want.
$currentLanguage = "en";
$defaultLanguage = "en";

if (!TimeUnitTranslator::isAllowedLanguage($currentLanguage)) {
    die("Language: '$currentLanguage' is not allowed.");
if (!TimeUnitTranslator::isAllowedLanguage($defaultLanguage)) {
    die("Language: '$defaultLanguage' is not allowed.");
TimeUnitTranslator::initialize($currentLanguage, $defaultLanguage, $allowedLanguages);

$time1 = "2000-01-01 00:00:00";
$time2 = "2006-06-05 03:02:01";
$format = "Y-m-d H:i:s";
$timezone = "Europe/Istanbul";

$first = Chronos::createFromFormat($time1, $format, $timezone);
$second = Chronos::createFromFormat($time2, $format, $timezone);

 * you can give a $language if its supported,
 * if you want to use current language set null
 * $depth can be 0-6 represents how many units do you want
 * priority order: year, month, day, hour, minute, second
 * $depth = 0 means first unit but also 0"

// output: string(8) "Saturday"

// output: string(7) "January"

// output: string(6) "Monday"

// output: string(7) "January"

var_dump($first->second()); // output: string(2) "00"
var_dump($first->minute()); // output: string(2) "00"
var_dump($first->hour());   // output: string(4) "00"
var_dump($first->day());    // output: string(2) "01"
var_dump($first->month());  // output: string(2) "01"
var_dump($first->year());   // output: string(4) "2000"

use Chronos\Chronos;

$time = "2000-01-01 00:00:00";
$format = "Y-m-d H:i:s";
$timezone = "Europe/Istanbul";



Chronos::isFormattable($time, $format);

$now = Chronos::now($timezone);

$now->getTime(); // returns DateTimeImmutable object