PHP code example of globalis / chargebee-php-sdk

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download globalis/chargebee-php-sdk library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


globalis / chargebee-php-sdk example snippets

use Globalis\Chargebee\Client as ChargebeeClient;
use Http\Client\Exception\HttpException;

$chargebee = new ChargebeeClient('{site}', '{site_api_key}');

try {
    // List last created subscription:
    $response = $chargebee->subscription()->list([
        "limit" => 1,
        "sort_by[desc]" => "created_at",
        "status[is]" => "active",
} catch (HttpException $e) {
    // Get API error details:
    $response = json_decode($e->getResponse()->getBody(), true);
    echo sprintf("Error: (%s) %s", $response["api_error_code"], $response["message"]);

use Globalis\Chargebee\Client as Chargebee;
use Globalis\Chargebee\Events\EventChargebeeApiResponseSuccess as EventResponseSuccess;
use Globalis\Chargebee\Events\EventChargebeeApiResponseError as EventResponseError;

Chargebee::onApiResponseSuccess(function (EventResponseSuccess $event) {
    // $event contains data about the API request and response
    // do something

Chargebee::onApiResponseError(function (EventResponseError $event) {
    // $event contains data about the API request and response
    // do something