PHP code example of glhd / hooks

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download glhd/hooks library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


glhd / hooks example snippets

use Glhd\Hooks\Hookable;

class MySessionClass implements SessionHandlerInterface
    use Hookable;
    public function public open(string $path, string $name): bool
        $this->callHook('beforeOpened', $name);
        // ...
    public function write(string $id, string $data): bool
        // ..

// Get all the available hook points
$hooks = Session::hook();

// Register your custom code to execute at those points
$hooks->beforeOpened(function($name) {
    Log::info("Starting session '$name'");

$hooks->beforeWritten(function() {
    Log::info('Writing session to storage');

$hooks->beforeOpened(fn($name) => Log::info('Registered First'), 500);
$hooks->beforeOpened(fn($name) => Log::info('Registered Second'), 100);

use Glhd\Hooks\Context;

$hooks->beforeOpened(function($name) {
    Log::info('Lower-priority hook');
}, 500);

$hooks->beforeOpened(function($name, Context $context) {
    Log::info('Higher-priority hook');
}, 100);

use Glhd\Hooks\Hookable;

class Mailer
    use Hookable;
    protected function setRecipients() {
        $recipients = $this->callHook('preparingRecipients')

// Always add QA to recipient list in staging
if (App::environment('staging')) {
    Mailer::hook()->preparingRecipients(fn() => '[email protected]');

use Glhd\Hooks\Hookable;

class Mailer
    use Hookable;
    protected function send() {
        $result = $this->callHook('beforeSend', $this->message, shouldSend: true);
        if ($result->shouldSend) {

// Never send mail to mailinator addresses
Mailer::hook()->beforeSend(function($message, $context) {
    if (str_contains($message->to, '')) {
        $context->shouldSend = false;

// Somewhere in a `PromotionsServiceProvider` class, perhaps…

if ($this->isInCyberMondayPromotionalPeriod()) {
    View::hook('emails.receipt', 'intro', fn() => view('emails.promotions._cyber_monday_intro'));

if (Auth::user()->isNewRegistrant()) {
    View::hook('emails.receipt', 'footer', fn() => view('emails.promotions._thank_you_for_first_purchase'));

View::hook('my.view', 'status', function($attributes) {
    assert($attributes['status'] === 'Demoing hooks');

View::hook('my.view', 'status', view('my.hook'));
{{-- emails/receipt.blade.php --}}
Thank you for shopping at…

<x-hook name="intro" />

Your receipt info…

<x-hook name="footer" />