PHP code example of gldrenthe89 / kiyoh-php-client
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download gldrenthe89/kiyoh-php-client library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
gldrenthe89 / kiyoh-php-client example snippets
use Gldrenthe89\KiyohPhpClient\KiyohApi;
$baseUrl = string // or';
$apiKey = string // provided by accountmanager from Kiyoh;
$apiCall = new KiyohApi($baseUrl, $apiKey);
$response = $apiCall->getGroupStatistics();
$baseUrl = string // or'.
$apiKey = string // provided by accountmanager from Kiyoh.
$locationId = integer // provided by accountmanager from Kiyoh of found in respective group dashboard.
$apiCall = new KiyohApi($baseUrl, $apiKey);
$response = $apiCall->getLocationStatistics($locationId);
$baseUrl = string // or';
$inviteApiKey = string // API key (token) to authorize the request, found in respective group dashboard;
$params = [
'location_id' => integer // ID for the location for which the invite should be sent,
'invite_email' => string // email address that should receive the invite,
'delay' => integer // number of days after which the email should be sent. 0 is immediately,
'first_name' => string // name fields to personalize the invite,
'last_name' => string // name fields to personalize the invite,
'language' => string // language the invite email is sent, “nl” for Dutch (case sensitive)
'ref_code' => string // internal reference code which can be used for administration purposes (the reference code is visible in invite history, review exports and XML feed)
$apiCall = new KiyohApi($baseUrl, $inviteApiKey);
$response = $apiCall->sendReviewInviteJson($params);
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