PHP code example of gitplus / payfluid

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download gitplus/payfluid library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


gitplus / payfluid example snippets

use Gitplus\PayFluid\Payment;

try {
    // Create a new PayFluid client instance. The fourth(4th) parameter is
    // a boolean that indicates whether you are in live or test mode.
    // 'TRUE' for live mode, 'FALSE' for test mode.
    $payfluid = new PayFluid($clientId, $encryptionKey, $apiKey, $testOrLiveMode);
    // Get secure credentials to authenticate with the server.
    // The returned $credentials object here has your 'session' value.
    // It is a good idea to store it for later. You will need it to verify payments.
    $credentials = $payfluid->getSecureCredentials($phoneNumber);
    // Create a new payment object and set the GHS")                               // (Required but ignorable) Currency for the payment. Defaults to "GHS".
        ->language("en")                                // (Required but ignorable) Language for payment page. Defaults to "en". Other values: "fr"
        ->description("Enter description for the payment")      // (Optional) A description for the transaction; 40 characters max.
        ->callbackUrl("https://your/callback_or_webhook/url")   // (Optional) This is your webhook.
        ->otherInfo("Any extra information");                   // (Optional) Any extra information.
    // You can now get a payment link object.
    // Use both the payment object and secure credentials to get a payment link.
    $paymentLink = $payfluid->getPaymentLink($credentials, $payment);
    // You can then retrieve the web url and redirect your user to that location.
    // NOTE:
    // The $paymentLink object will also have your 'session' and 'payReference' values.
    // It is a good idea to store these values for later. You will need them to
    // verify payments or to retrieve the status of a particular payment later.
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
    // Handle error
    echo "Generating payment url failed: " . $e->getMessage();


    try {
        // The request from PayFluid to your redirect URL will come with a 'qs' query parameter.
        // Don't worry about calling urldecode() on the 'qs' query parameter. It is handled internally.
        $qs = $_GET["qs"];
        // Use qs and your session value to verify the payment.
        // You can get your session value from two(2) places:
        //      1. From the $credentials object you got when you called the getSecureCredentials() method.
        //      2. From the $paymentLink object you got when you called the getPaymentLink() method
        //      It is a good idea to have stored these values somewhere earlier.
        // The $paymentStatus object returned will have details on whether the transaction was successful or not.
        $paymentStatus = PayFluid::verifyPayment($qs, $session);
        // If statusCode = '0' then the payment was successful. Any other value
        // means the transaction failed. The statusString field will explain what
        // the code means.
        if ($paymentStatus->statusCode === "0") {
            // You can convert the payment status to a JSON string and perhaps store it for future reference
            $statusAsJson = $paymentStatus->toJson();
            // You can also retrieve it as an array if you want
            $statusAsArray = $paymentStatus->toArray();
            echo "Payment successful";
        } else {
            echo "Payment failed: " . $paymentStatus->statusString;
    } catch (\Throwable $e) {
        echo "Verifying payment failed: " . $e->getMessage();


    try {
        // Read JSON body from request
        $payload = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"));
        // NOTE:
        // The $session is from either your $secureCredentials or $paymentLink objects created earlier.
        // The $transactionDetails object returned has details on the success or otherwise of the payment.
        $statusCode = PayFluid::verifyPayment($payload, $session);
        // If statusCode = '0' then the payment was successful. Any other value
        // means the transaction failed. The statusString field will explain what
        // the code means.
        if ($paymentStatus->statusCode === "0") {
            // You can convert the payment status to a JSON string and perhaps store it for future reference
            $statusAsJson = $paymentStatus->toJson();
            // You can also retrieve it as an array if you want
            $statusAsArray = $paymentStatus->toArray();
            echo "Payment successful";
        } else {
            echo "Payment failed: " . $paymentStatus->statusString;
    } catch (\Throwable $e) {
        echo "Verifying payment failed: " . $e->getMessage();


try {
    // Create a new PayFluid client instance.
    $payfluid = new PayFluid($clientId, $encryptionKey, $apiKey, $testOrLiveMode);
    // getPaymentStatus() will return a PaymentStatus object with details information on the status of the payment.
    // The $payReference is from the $paymentLink object you created earlier.
    // The $session is from either the $paymentLink or $credentials objects you created earlier.
    $paymentStatus = $payfluid->getPaymentStatus($payReference, $session);
    // If statusCode = '0' then the payment was successful. Any other value
    // means the transaction failed. The statusString field will explain what
    // the code means.
    if ($paymentStatus->statusCode === "0") {
        // You can convert the payment status to a JSON string and perhaps store it for future reference
        $statusAsJson = $paymentStatus->toJson();
        // You can also retrieve it as an array if you want
        $statusAsArray = $paymentStatus->toArray();
        echo "Payment successful";
    } else {
        echo "Payment failed: " . $paymentStatus->statusString;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
    // Handle error
    echo "Getting payment status failed: " . $e->getMessage();

use Gitplus\PayFluid\Payment;
use Gitplus\PayFluid\Customization;
use Gitplus\PayFluid\CustomerInput;

try {    
    // Create a new customization object.
    $customization = new Customization();
    $customization->editAmount(true)            // The payment amount can be edited by the user
        ->minimumAmount(1.0)                    // Enforce the minimum amount to pay
        ->maximumAmount(30.0)                   // Enforce the maximum amount to pay
        ->borderTheme("#a3ffee")                // Set a color for the page
        ->receiptMessage("Thank you for your purchase")    // Override the message sent in receipt
        ->receiptFeedbackPhone("233XXXXXXX")               // Override the phone number that gets the receipt
        ->receiptFeedbackEmail("[email protected]")          // Override the email that receives the receipt
        ->daysUntilLinkExpires(3)                          // Determine how long the payment link should be valid for
        ->canPayMultipleTimes(true)                        // Payment links are one time. This will make the link reusable
        ->displayPicture("https://link/to/publicly/accessible/image");  // Set your own image to be displayed on the payment page.
    // You can take your customization further.
    // PayFluid gives you the flexibility to even ask for more information on the
    // payment page. You do this by creating input fields. The fields will be
    // rendered on the payment page for the customer to provide answers to.
    // To achieve this you need to create CustomerInput objects and add
    // them to your customization object.
    // Create your first input. This will be a text input.
    $textInput = new CustomerInput();
    $textInput->label("Church Membership ID") // The label for the input
        ->placeholder("Membership ID #")      // The placeholder for the input
        ->type(CustomerInput::TYPE_TEXT)      // The type of input
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
    // Handle error
    echo "Generating payment url failed: " . $e->getMessage();


$payfluid = new PayFluid($clientId, $encryptionKey, $apiKey, $testOrLiveMode);
$credentials = $payfluid->getSecureCredentials($phone);

$payment = new Payment();
    ->description("Payment for something awesome")
    ->otherInfo("Some additional information here")
    ->redirectUrl("https://your/redirect/url/with/session/appended?session=" . $credentials->session)
    ->callbackUrl("https://your/callback/url/with/session/appended?session=" . $credentials->session);

// You can later retrieve them when the redirect or callback hits your endpoint.
$session = $_GET["session"];