PHP code example of gin0115 / pixie-wpdb

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download gin0115/pixie-wpdb library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


gin0115 / pixie-wpdb example snippets

$thing = QB::table('someTable')->where('something','=', 'something else')->first();

# Basic setup

// Access the global WPDB or a custom instance for additional tables.
global $wpdb;

// Configure the builder and/or internal WPDB instance
$connection_config = [Connection::PREFIX => 'gin0115_'];

// Give a *single* Alias
$builder_alias = 'Gin0115\\DB';

new Connection( $wpdb, $connection_config, $builder_alias );

$foos = Gin0115\DB::table('foo')->where('column', 'red')->get();

$config = [
    Connection::PREFIX          => 'acme_',
    Connection::USE_WPDB_PREFIX => true,
    Connection::CLONE_WPDB      => true,
    Connection::SHOW_ERRORS     => false,

new Connection($wpdb, $config, 'MyAlias');

// Create the connection early on.
$connection = new Connection($wpdb, $config, 'Alias');

// Insert some data to bar.

// Create connection and builder instance.
$connection = new Connection($wpdb, $config);
$qb = new QueryBuilderHandler($connection);

$query = $qb->table('my_table')->where('name', '=', 'Sana');
$results = $query->get();